TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

My Journey Through High School

Hello to all of class 2024 graduates, Can you believe that it’s finally here? Just a few weeks ago I felt we were back in middle school, feeling nervous about highschool, wondering if we would be ready for all the new experiences, and people. How young we were, looking back now realizing we grew up together. Our Journeys through school are completely different, making us who we are today. Looking around at all the changed faces, and all the changed attitudes gives me hope for all of us, hope of being the next best generation, a generation that will help make the world better. This class has definitely had its ups and downs but to me it truly was an honor to go through middle school and highschool with all of you. 

 In My 4 years Through High school I kept to myself most of the time, not really doing things out of my comfort zone, or even finding friends which I am now regretting. School brought so many different opportunities that I could have taken but was always nervous to try new things or even talk to other students. Opportunities like sports, LRTC, partnering with someone you don’t know in class, trying new classes, even doing the morning announcements, all those were opportunities to meet people, and you get out of your comfort zone. Comparing all the opportunities I missed, it was still a great 4 years, with great memories throughout them, finding my best friend that has stayed by my side for a very long time, my best friend who I feel is my confidant and for that I have to thank Oak hill for introducing me to her. Now I may have kept to myself but I did also have Mr. Boucher, someone I could rant to, whether he liked it or not I felt I could tell him anything which I have never experienced with a teacher before. Boucher’s attitude was always uplifting even when things weren’t going right through the day. A Memory that I can picture(Imagery) is eating lunch in the fish bowl, thinking it was the coolest place to eat lunch seeing as we got to go outside. (Comedy) A funny yet true memory is when we were all once innocent and we never had to have vape detectors installed in the school bathrooms. The memory of once never having to prepare as much for a school shooting, and now fearing the situation even more. Oak Hill has left us all with our own stories, and journey’s that we should all be grateful for because some people don’t get to have this experience. 

Advice for the future in this very criticizing world is versatile, but complex at the same time. I am not good with advice so I would say to go for your dreams and achieve your biggest goals but what about living? What about exploring the world, taking risks, experiencing new and beautiful things, what about doing the things that will make you feel free and more sure of yourself. Yes, this is corny and yes none of you would ever hear me saying these things because that’s just not me! But my advice to you is very simple: Don’t stand in the shadows anymore, be Bold, do things that make you happy, because these days will once be memories we look back on. For my former classmates, we were all once small humans just trying to get past middle school, and in a blink of an eye we are saying goodbye to the memories we made. Thank you to the class of 2024 Graduates for being the best.

Journey” by ~Matt LightJam {Mattia Merlo} is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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