TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Memories We Shared

As our time in High School comes to an end, I would like to thank my parents, teachers, advisors, and all of the coffee I consumed during these past 4 years for helping me make it through high school. But mostly, I want to thank the class for all of the time, events, and funny stories that we have had together. When we were younger we were often asked what we wanted to do when we grew up, and oftentimes that question was met with something random or a simple “I don’t know”, life seemed a lot smaller back then. While we were growing up it felt like high school would never come, then when we entered high school it felt like high school would never come to an end, like graduation was just something in movies or something people just talked about doing, it felt like it was so far in the future. But now here we are preparing to graduate, having lived through one of the strangest times. As we entered high school we had to persevere through remote learning and eventually having to sit in hot classrooms with desks in single rows, our faces covered and attempting to stay focused. But we made it through and life returned to as normal as it could and we were able to enjoy our high school days a little more. I often wonder what our younger selves would think if they could see where we are now. Would they like or be surprised about what our plans are or would they just be excited that we can drive cars? Sometimes it feels like life would be a lot better if we could just go back in time to when we were small and not have to worry about life and its expectations and we could just sit at home watching TV or playing outside, but that’s not how life works. 

As we look forward, life is going to keep moving and we all have our different paths that we are starting to go on after we leave Oak Hill for the last time. I hope we can all look back on our childhoods and our time at school remembering all of the dances, field trips, assemblies, extracurriculars, and the overwhelming amount of English work. Remembering not just the stress school caused, but also the great memories we all shared. I hope we can remember our childhoods but still keep our chins up and keep walking through this crazy life one step at a time. Whether you are going into the trades, business, education, health care, technology, the military, or even if you are unsure of what’s next, I hope you find and choose the path that is best for you. Who knows where life is going to take each of us, life is a long road with many turns, but I hope we will see each other again from time to time and I wish you all the best. So thank you all for all of the memories and fun times.

Piazza Antiche Mura, Sorrento – play ground – slide” by ell brown is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Swing Set” by Zoramite is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.


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