TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Well That Sucked

To all that are sitting before me today, our high school years have been very interesting to say the least. From covid, to the shooting, and all the missed days of school due to weather, we’ve had a crazy 4 years together. Anyone remember when our school flooded and turned into an ocean overnight? Yup that’s about how fun school has been these last four years. The most exciting thing was getting an unexpected vacation because some rickety old pipes burst and ruined just about our entire school. The science wing didn’t even open back up until this year. Our class has experienced some things that some classes can’t say they’ve been through. And that can take a toll on anyone. But I stand in front of you to say, we are officially done with high school. No more long days, no more looking forward to the day where we get to say we are never going back. And as we all are super excited for, no more membean everybody. I know we’re all eager to graduate and I know we’re also all excited to get out of here. 

We’ve had so many fun times together and honestly, some memories that are definitely for the books. One memory that will definitely stay with me is when we tried to grill breakfast in the parking lot on the last day of junior year. We brought coolers of food, drinks, a whole grill, and even cornhole. It took weeks of planning and deciding who would bring what. All to get shut down by a very rare angry Mr. Alberti. He came flying into the parking lot like he was driving a race car. Then started yelling at us to get everything cleaned up. It probably didn’t help that as he was lecturing us about how we needed to shut it all down, Cooper decided it was a great time to just offer him some bacon. That is one thing I enjoy most about our class, is how funny the group of us is. And how much we enjoy being around one another. You could give our class something super boring and we can make it enjoyable for everyone. We are one special, and I mean special class. Like you Eli, always saying something out of pocket. The most random stuff is always flying out of your mouth. It’s definitely memorable when you just start rambling. We are one class that the staff will probably remember forever and be so grateful that we are finally gone. I bet it’s been a long 4 years for them as well. But let’s be honest, we are 100% not as bad as that phase when all those kids were committing “devious licks”. That was a long year. I don’t think we even had soap dispensers for like 6 months.

So at the end of it all, I enjoyed our time together. And I will certainly miss not seeing some of you every day, or on the days where I show up. I know every graduation speech has the famous and inevitable line, “we made it”. So I’m not gonna say it, but honestly, we did. We did it. We made it through the hardest 4 years of our lives. We’re graduating. It is the end. We are out and never coming back!

GRADUATION” by BlakeRead is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.


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