TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Late Nights

My story starts at my house with my cousin Ally who is rambunctious and very random at times her randomness is the best part because of this she can do funny and unexpected things at any time, Then there is my cousin Olivia who is very genuine about the nights that we have stayed up late just talking and chatting. This causes her to give good advice and be sincere about it not mean she listens and makes sure she fully grasps before she says anything that can be hurtful. My cousins Allison and Olivia have gone through in the past year some of the same stuff as me, for example, my father leaving. They are some of the people who know how I feel the most, they however never damper our mood. They always will say something silly, make faces, or even just say random stuff to make the conversation lighter and funnier, almost more joking around than anything. My two cousins and I perpetually talk about arbitrary things we are always laughing I can talk about an event that happened in school we will laugh about it or a situation that happened in one of our lives, that you wouldn’t ordinarily think is funny I or they usually find the bright side of these things sincerely at this point it makes me laugh until my stomach hurts sometimes.

I am not always an easy person to make people laugh. I overthink stuff and it can cause me to stay upset about something for long periods. It can just make me upset or sad for a while. My cousins always know how to counter this and make me chuckle in any situation. They can always change my mood when we’re hanging out. They can make me go from sad and upset to happy and laughing within minutes of starting a conversation. We could be talking about the most random stuff and somehow we find a funny side to it whether it has to do with our parents or even if it has something to do with school. There is always something for us to laugh about. We sat and talked about everything. things that happened during the day or something that happened in the week always ended in an eruption of laughter to the point that we can’t breathe, sometimes never in the time I have spent with people have I laughed as much as I have with my cousins. There is always a bright side to something. I have learned from them there is always something to laugh and enjoy. My cousin Ally and I stayed up until almost four am just watching funny podcasts and talking about how we could do that, and how funny it would be because of how random and unexpected we are. Then my cousin Olivia and I would talk about stuff during the day like something that happened at school and her finding a way to turn it from either a bad thing to something that I can’t help but look back at and laugh at. This ranges from being someone giving me a look or saying something she can’t help but make it so it doesn’t affect me she helps me realize that the people who do those kinds of things don’t do it because of a crude reason, sometimes it’s just how it is and stuff happens there is no reason to dwell on it it’s better to laugh it off and keep walking with my head held high.

Laughter is a natural and wonderful part of life that everyone should experience. Laughing can be therapeutic, and it is one of the best ways to cope with difficult situations. There are numerous things to laugh about, and it’s important to find humor in everyday events. Even when things don’t go as planned, we can still find ways to laugh about them. When we’re feeling down, sulking, or getting upset about something never helps. Instead, we should try to find humor in the situation. There is no better coping mechanism than being able to laugh at a situation. Laughter can help us reduce stress, improve our mood, and feel more relaxed. It’s a great way to connect with others and lift our spirits. Why be sad when you can look at a situation and laugh, saying “That was funny”? Even in difficult circumstances, we can find ways to lighten the mood and laugh about things. Looking back at something and being able to say “I thought that was hilarious” is the best way to enjoy it with friends or family. Sharing laughter with loved ones can create happy memories that last a lifetime. In conclusion, laughter is an essential part of life that we should all embrace. It can help us cope with difficult situations and bring joy to our lives. Even in hard times, we can find ways to laugh and make the best of the situation. So, let’s all try to find something to laugh about today! 

laughter ‘the best medicine’ ?” by Neil. Moralee is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.


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