TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Shining Sun

Esmith25’s avatar is very creative and aesthetic. One of the first things that I noticed was that dark blue border around the edge of the avatar. I speculated that this and the light blue background may symbolize her love for the ocean. The next thing that I saw was the five red hearts on the corners and in the middle of her avatar. I thought the hearts may have to do with Esmiths25’s love for her friends. Taking up most of Esmith25s avatar is the yellow shaded sun located in the middle of the avatar. I thought this may have had something to do with the summer. Inside of every beam of the sun there is a dark blue dote matching the color of the outside border. Initially I thought these dots may represent her number in either soccer or softball because I know she plays those sports. After seeing her design I was intrigued to find out what Esmith25 symbolized in her avatar.

My first question that I asked Esmith25 was about what the sun in the middle of the avatar represents for her. Like what I anticipated it was “Because I love being in the sun” were her words. Later I asked her to elaborate on why she loves that sun so much “when the sun is out it makes everyone happier… in a way it represents happiness” I thought this was a beautiful meaning to the sun and it shows that people’s happiness is very important to her. The next thing that I asked her about was the meaning of the five hearts on the avatar. Esmith expressed that it was because “I love love” which is very beautiful and along with the sun it shows that she really holds the love for people close to her heart. I then asked her about the dark blue located around her avatar “because they are what my life revolves around” . “They” being her friends and family. I asked her to elaborate a little more about the border representing her family and friends and her response was: ” I feel a lot more secure when I’m around my friends and family”. This was a very powerful surprising meaning to the border of her avatar.

Mine and Esmith25s avatars are very different. Mine is on the more darker color side with purples and black. Hers is very light and has many details unlike mine. But what differs the most is our symbols she had many more than I did. I only had two meanings behind the designs in my avatar. But Esmith25 had many meanings to her avatar.

What surprised me the most about Esmith25s avatar was how much her family and home meant to her. That is what most of her avatars are centered around, even her love for the ocean started from her family. It’s a very beautiful avatar that has very meaningful symbols. This was also my favorite thing about Esmiths avatar. It had many symbols that represented her love for her friends and family and it really showed that she is a loyal and loving friend. Esmith25s avatar was a beautiful representation of who she is as a person.

ocean lines” by shannonkringen is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


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