Glebel’s avatar features a yellow Dharma wheel on a blue background with a small green field on the right containing a yellow star and treble clef. Initially I thought that the wheel was a ship wheel with the blue background it was on indicating a liking for the ocean or boats. I also thought the green field and the star inside of it symbolized money and fame, and the treble clef symbolizing a love for music.

It turned out that what I initially thought was a ship wheel was actually a Dharma wheel from Buddhist culture. And the blue background didn’t symbolize the ocean, instead it represented freedom and the sky. However I was right about the green field and the star representing money and success which he stated was “Because it will happen” for both the green and the star, and the treble clef representing music which he said was because “I like music” which is what I had assumed.
I was surprised about the Buddhist symbolism, because I don’t personally know anyone who follows it. I also don’t know anything about Buddhist symbols or history so it was also very interesting to learn about it. Another thing that I didn’t expect was the blue representing the sky because typically on flags the color blue represents a body of water, with some exceptions.
The avatar that I created is a lot more simple, with it only having 2 symbols. The blue and yellow color scheme is the same colors as the official flag of the International Vexillogical Association, which represents my love of flags and flag design. The 2 eight pointed stars on the flag represent the region of Appalachia and the Appalachian mountain range, which Maine is the northern end of.
I think it was interesting seeing how much you could learn about someone based on the symbols on a personal flag.
“C scale notation over musical staff” by Horia Varlan is licensed under CC BY 2.0.