TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Mlynch Visualized

Mlynch25´s avatar is a neat and clear representation of who he is as a person by showing some interests, hobbies, and a career path. The fist part of his flag that sticks out to me is the star in the middle of the flag, it is yellow with five points. The next part that caught my eye was the variety of colored circles in a line on both sides of the star. The two blue dots are directly next to it in a line and two green dots on both sides. Looking at the tops of the dots and the star are chevrons or upside down V´s and the one in the middle is slightly higher than the other one.  There are also two distinct stripe colors on the flag: a white stripe in the middle and two orange stripes on the top and bottom. 

I had thought that the orange stripe had represented blood oranges because he likes to eat them and that the white stripe had represented snowmobiling because snow is white. I also thought that the star might have represented knowledge because stars represent accomplishment. I thought the chevrons represented the tops of mountains because of the different levels of peaks, and the green dots might have represented money because he has a job and work is important, and the blue dots represented water because water is essential to human life. 

I had gotten a few right and a few wrong. I asked Mlynch about what the white stripe represented and he responded saying that ¨Winter is my favorite season [because] winter is very peaceful¨. He also described in greater detail why he finds it so peaceful and how it makes him feel, ¨Nature is most desolate, almost like another world¨. It surprised me that winter meant a lot to him and he sees winter as important to him. After thinking about how Mlynch sees winter I can see beauty in a season that I had focused on before. 

After asking about the white stripes, I asked about the orange stripes. Mlynch said that it represented hardwork and effort, ¨As a plumbing apprentice, copper is orange¨. I didn’t know that he was a plumbing apprentice and after finding out I asked him how long he has been a plumber and he replied with ¨Been with a company for three months, but [I´ve been] in the trade since thirteen¨. Mlynch values hard work and effort and he has good commitment to his career path, that is a good trait to have. 

The colored circles were up next for questions, Mlynch says that the green circle represented nature and  according to Mlynch ¨Everything I do revolves around nature,¨ which I found to be cool because it relates back to the white stripe which involved nature in a calm and desolate state and the green circle represents the other parts of nature.

The blue circle also has something to do with nature but it represents the ocean. I asked Mlynch why the ocean was important to him, he respond by saying that ¨I love fishing¨ and ¨I caught 4 bass the other day,¨ I was intrigued by his fishing statements so I asked him if he preferred live bait or lures when fishing, he replied with ¨Lures, flukes are my favorite.¨ It’s great to see that nature is important to this man in more ways than one. 

The chevrons represent mountain peaks, which is another way that nature is important to Mlynch, but it also represents the landscape because ¨I’m a painter and my favorite thing to look at is the landscape.¨ I had no idea that painting was a hobby of Mlynch´s. I inquired about his passion for painting by asking how long have you been a painter to which he responded by stating ¨Six years [and] the love of nature got me into painting¨ It surprised me that he was a painter but its cool to see that he has a hobby that he is passionate about that involves other things he’s passionate about. He really wasn’t lying when he said that everything he does involves nature. 

It was interesting to see that we both used the color orange to represent hard work, his was for the plumbing aspect of his life and mine was for the welding/ PMT aspect in my life. 

We both also find knowledge to be important, however Mlynch used a start to represent knowledge and I used the color yellow. Mlynch used colors like orange, green and blue to represent his interests, hobbies and career path. Meanwhile I used a drama mask and bass clef to represent my interests. It was very fulfilling learning about the way Mlynch chose to represent himself through different symbols and  it allowed me to view him in ways that I had never seen before.

winter’s night 01” by byronv2 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.


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