TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Jlacharite25’s avatar

When Jlacharite25 was creating his avatar he put most of the things he loves to do in this one little small box. At first when I saw his avatar I was very confused on what it was but after he had explained it to me I saw all the symbols and thought it was very creative of how much he put into one small box.

The things Jlacharite25 is smart and creative, especially with how he created his avatar. At first I didn’t understand what his avatar was or what it looked like until he had explained everything and I thought it was creative of him to add all these things. While Jlacharite25 has his own time and not in school during his free time likes to play video games on his laptop or a keyboard and computer, he likes to bring around his rubix cube with him and solve rubix cubes or do this certain pattern on it and for entertainment or in his free time he likes to play the piano.

In Jlacharite25 he came up with the many elements he likes to do. One element has four blue squares, three next to each other and one on top in the middle. I asked what does the blue indicate? His response was, “ It was just a filler to add some color,”  This element represents two symbols. The first symbol that it represents is the keyboard cords W, A, S, D for gaming and the second symbol is a pattern on the rubix cube. He did these symbols because he said, “ I like to game and do this pattern on my rubix cube.”  Right above this symbol is The next element which are two gray lines that create a 90 degree angle representing a laptop because he likes to use his laptop for gaming. The last element are two black rectangles which represent the key notes for the piano which he likes to play. 

When he was creating his first avatar his first one had a yellow car steering wheel as one of his symbols representing that he likes cars but he said, “it didn’t look good with his avatar,” so making his final avatar he took out the car wheel and made the same avatar but removed the car wheel symbol. 

Custom Design Rubix Cube” by CompleteMerchandise is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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