My Mbean25’s avatar represents their love for their animals. It shows different colors and has different elements in it to represent different things she likes. It has multiple colors and different details in it to show what it means to mbean. Therefore her avatar shows many different examples for how mbean avatar represents her.

Mbean’s avatar is a cat head and in the top right corner there’s a pinkish heart because “the pink heart represents my love for cats.” The cat is orange with dark gray eyes and whiskers. There are 3 whiskers on each side of the face. The ears and the nose are both pink. The background is white. The cat showed many different examples of things that were special to her like “the cat represents her love for cats.” The orange cat represents how it was one of the first things she loved because “the orange cat was one of my first cats” Mbean’s got. So ultimately all of the little details in Mbeans avatar all have a special meaning to her.
The orange in Mbean cat caught my attention because it was a bright color. It stood out in the picture. It was the first thing I noticed. I myself had an orange cat and it was also one of my first cats. Her cat stood out to me because I also had something in common with her avatar. It made me think about my own cat. The orange reminded me of how my orange cat was one of the first cats that I fell in love with. Just like the mbean orange cat was one of her first cats where she fell in love we both have a very similar relation to her avatar.
Me and Mbeans avatars are similar in a way that they are both something we love and are very passionate about. The colors in our avatars were very different mbeans were more warm colors as mine were cool colors. Mine was also a sport I do and hers was an animal in her life. Both of our avatars were about something important to us in our lives. We both had a similar connection to mbean avatar. We both had details that meant something important to us especially the colors we choose meant something special to us.
feature image:”cat in the sun” by fidber is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Avatar by Mbean25