TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The love of the outdoors

Mhenry25 enjoys four wheeling, along with snowmobiling, and dirt biking. He grew up being outdoors.  His avatar is of him four wheeling in jackman Maine. The wheeler that is being represented in his avatar is a Honda Foreman. The Honda foreman that is being represented in his avatar is the machine he grew up driving/riding . His avatar represents him getting older as well as his childhood. It represents his childhood because it is something that takes skill and many years to learn how to successfully ride/ drive, on this trip he had said that “I enjoy ridding with my family”. It is showing the progression of him growing up and the things he learned how to do. 

 The part of Mhenry25’s avatar that directs my attention is that I can connect with it. I also grew up riding four wheelers and snowmobiles he dad on this particular trip he “was 14”.  I grew up on a farm and I love being outdoors any time I can, so connecting with Mhenry25 over our upbringing is pretty easy. As I am growing up, spending time outdoors has always been a a very important part of who I am. 

In the process of creating my avatar I wanted to put together multiple elements of me and my life. I incorporated my love for listening as well as creating music, my dog, my mother, and my love for fishing. I managed to build myself into a drawing. Well Mhenry25 put one very big part of his life together as his avatar saying “I have grown up riding and being outdoors”. His avatar represents his childhood as well as him growing up. 

Mhenry25 drew his avatar as a small four wheeler with a person driving. The person is him and the four wheeler is a honda foreman. The moment that is being captured in his avatar is when he was 14. He was going up a mountain in jackman Maine with his family, the mountain he was going up was green and covered in grass. He chose this moment because it was the type of land  and time of year he prefers, he prefers the summer and being in the dirt over the mud. 

Fourwheeling” by kalleboo is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Picture by Mhenry25


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