Elemont25 is a very fun but quiet kid who likes to keep to himself but also loves to play on his PC and play soccer. He spends a lot of his time playing soccer but in his free time he plays on his PC. “If I had to pick one game it would be valorent”(Elemont25). His favorite game is valorent. Elemont25 sais that it is his favorite game because it is just fun to play.
When Elemont25 was making his avatar he had a lot of things he could have put in it. But he picked what was most important to him. Such as PC fans because he loves to play on his. He also could have just done one side like the real life side but instead he did both real life and fake real life. He did not have to put any color into it but he felt as though it would help his avatar if there was color.
When the final version of Elemont25 avatar was done the part that really popped out to me was the split he had between real life and video games like the 2 different sides of him.”They are the 2 different sides of me”(Elemont25). He had 3 different colors incorporated into his avatar Green which he picked because he just likes green and that is the color his PC fans are. Gray because most PC cases are black and wanted to be different also he had blue for ice cream because he said it looked appetizing. “My favorite flavor of ice cream is the Tonight show from Ben and Jerry’s.”(Elemont25). In the middle he had some ice cream just because he likes it. There were 4 circles around the avatar which at first confused me but then I saw what they were. They were PC fans.
If I had to compare my avatar and Elemont25 avatar. Mine would have to go in the trash when you look at Elemont25 it is very neat and you can see what everything is. There is a clear image if you know anything about Elemont25. You can tell that he really took his time to plan out what he wanted incorporated into his avatar.
“The Damietta Branch of the Nile River splits into canals” by NASA Johnson is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
Avatar by Elemont25