Lpinard’s avatar to start is a white background which represents a soccer ball. The next big element which is an oval which represents the shape of a football. The next thing you’ll notice is that the oval is black, which represents the color of his dog Daisy who has been around most of his life, The last element is the green mountain range in the center which is the centerpiece of the flag as a whole.

Some of the parts of Lpinard’s avatar that grab my attention are the green mountains in the center of his flag, which represent the outdoors, and a love for hiking. These really draw my attention because of the green, and the intricate mountain range on such a basic and classy flag, I like the way this represents Lpinard as a whole. Lpinard told me that the mountain also represents hiking, when asked what his favorite mountain to hike was he replied “Mt. Pishag” Another part that draws my attention is the color scheme which is very basic but classic, he has a plain white background which represents soccer, as well as a black oval which is a double meaning of soccer, and his dog daisy. When asked what breed his dog was he responded with, “She is a German Shepard lab mix”.
When I discussed with Lpinard about his flag and the process taken to create is he described his ideas, and visions for the flag. He wanted to keep his flag very basic, but recognizable in a way that is stood out not just on a flag post, but also to the viewer. This is the reason why he only picked 5 symbols that really stood out to him. This was very similar to my flags process in which I also wanted my flag to be very basic but have key parts of my life that would best represent my. Me and my partner both picked out color schemes first and decided what elements would best represent them. Then we moved on to our more intricate symbols, which are very similar, I chose a small pine tree to represent Maine and the outdoors as a whole, while Lpinard chose a mountain range to represent his love for hiking as well as the outdoors.
Lpinard’s main focuses for his elements were key parts of his life currently. The 5 elements are the white background which represents the white in a soccer ball because he enjoys to watch soccer. After being asked what his favorite soccer team was he said, “Real Madrid”. The next is the oval shape which represents the shape of a football, which represents his love for football, as well as his favorite NFL team the Miami Dolphins. The next is that the oval is black, which is meant to represent his dog Daisy, as well as soccer again. The next element which is the centerpeice of the flag is a green mountain range that represents hiking which is one of his favorite hobbies. And last is the green in the mountains which represents the outdoors as a whole, which he is an enthusiast but mainly enjoys camping and fishing.
Featured Image: “Real Madrid 4 – Valencia 2” by JuanJaén is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
Avatar by Lpinard