Llanglios25 is a very active teenager who enjoys spending time with his friends,whether that’s driving around with a few friends or hanging out in a big group around a fire. He also enjoys playing sports like football and baseball. Llanglios25 also likes to “race snowmobiles and work on his truck and car.”
When he began making his avatar he created a few elements and ideas that describe him. One of the big things he wanted to incorporate was his friends. His final design was not his first; he sketched up many designs until he had the perfect mixture of everything.

Llanglios final avatar is split by four diagonal lines, the first section includes his friends, his friends are “a big part of his life”. His friends are some of his biggest supporters and are always there for him. Llanglois enjoys spending most of his free time with his friends. The next section is a truck which represents his truck. His truck is a newer Toyota Tacoma, which he enjoys working on with his friends or by himself adding new parts to make the truck “sound or look nice”. The third section is a red sports car which represents two things, first his love for racing, Llanglios grew up racing dragsters with his brother and cousin. Secondly it represents his love for sports cars, at one point he had bought an older miata which he spent many late nights working on with his friends. His final section is a drawing of money. L enjoys having money but also one of his goals in life is to be rich so that he can live a comfortable lifestyle and continue to buy trucks, cars, and really anything that catches his eye. His whole avatar really caught my eye because not only did he combine four things he also managed to make them describe himself perfectly.
My process was a lot different than Llanglois’s. It seemed like he knew right from the start what he was going to add where it took me quite some time to even come up with ideas.He drew out many different things and combined a lot of his ideas together, where I only combined a few and kept my avatar pretty simple. He had many colors and designs and mine had one design and maybe five different colors.
“Money” by purpleslog is licensed under CC BY 2.0.