Ndillman25’s avatar has three symbols that connect to his life on a personal level. He splits them up into three sections on his avatar, separated by a black line. One section has a blue background with an infinity symbol, The next has a brown background with a boat. The last section has an orange background with a smiley face.
In his first section, the blue colored background with an infinity symbol in the middle symbolizes water and friendship. The infinity symbol shows the value he has for his friends. His friends are his top priority. “They are very nice to me.” He appreciates the things his friends do for him, and the time he spends with them. The blue color being water is symbolic because Ndillman25 enjoys swimming a lot with his friends. That also goes along with the next section, where he has a drawing of a boat. The background is brown, with the boat in the middle. The boat symbolizes his passion for boating. He finds boating very fun, “It’s a lot easier to speed on boats than in cars.” Boating is his favorite summer activity to do with his friends. The next and final section of the avatar has a smiley face with an orange background. The smiley face symbolizes happiness. He thinks it’s important to be happy in life. “If I’m not happy, I’m sad, and I don’t want to be sad.” He doesn’t like to be sad, so this emphasizes how much happiness really means to him. All of the symbols Ndillman25 chose for his avatar all come together to show his values in life and what he really enjoys.

Mine and Ndillman25’s avatar have a few similarities. We both incorporate nature into ours, but in different ways. Ndillman uses water and boating as a way to show nature. In mine, I use flowers to show how I value nature. We both also chose colors that we liked as symbols. He chose to color each section a different color. The color blue symbolizes water for him, I chose the color pink because it symbolizes my favorite color and things that I enjoy.
After doing the interview with Ndillman25, I realize we both have some similarities in our symbols. Nature was the main symbol we shared. We both enjoy happiness and friendship, but we express them in different ways through our avatars.
Featured Image: “Friends on a Boat” by Schezar is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Avatar by: Ndillman25