TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Stranger Danger?

Social media is used throughout are daily lives and that will never change, but is social media really that good for are world? Social media is used to connect and show things to many people. With these responsibility of being able to connect allows you to attack and slander people in the safety of your home. While I think that socail media is bad for the human mind I also think that it was not a bad thing if taken in small doses.

The internet allows people to connect from different for states. One example of this is Discord this allows you to talk to many people at once. The people you meet in games can add you which allows you to talk easier and can make it so you have friends from all over the place. I use discord to talk to my friends all the time when I play games like Valorant or Fortnite. Me and my friends send messages to each other in are server to show that we want to play, “@cactusmires valo?” (Pinky). This shows that Pinky or Zak wants to play Valorant which would never would be happening if there was no internet or social media. We also watch shows together on discord the show we’ve been watching together. Recently is dandadan every thursday we all get on and one of us will say “Its dandadan time” (Alex) Then Alex streams the show and we all watch. We laugh and connect with what’s going on with the show and without socail media this interaction would never had happened.

Then there’s the down side of the internet like Twitter which pushes a lot of hate and problems on people. One example of this happening recantly is when someone took a pitcure of what happens in a show and said “how are you going to defend this dandadan fans” (twiterman). This one tweet got the whole dandadan fanbase mad and cause many bad things to happen which one of these was doxing him. This was just the top of the barrle of what happened. With his adress all over socail media he now lives in fear of someone coming to his home. Then you have the incedent with a dandadan english voice actor where he was bullied off socail media. He saw a draw of the character he was vioce acting and “all I did was change my pfp” (vioce acter). It was thrown into contraversy for no reason and the vioce acter could not take it and left socail media. social media hatred like this can really damage a person. This damge that the voice actor has gain may never leave him. He might sit in guilt even though they did nothing wrong just becasue some mean people were harassing him.

Two things can happen on social media one is being able to connect to many different people, and the other is damaging and bullying from others. I think that social media is a good this in the end, because of my personal connections I had made on social media. I also think that social media is damaging and should be taken in moderation. If you can do that then social media can be a fun and exiting place to be.

featured image: “With friends” by GeorgeTan#4 – Thanks for your support is marked with CC0 1.0.


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