Social platforms like TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram all include short videos that have made us addicted. The problem with these short videos is how entertaining they are because you always want more. and because of that, we aren’t satisfied enough with our reality. when we look up from our phones, we are almost disappointed with what our world has to offer. This also affects school, where we are not allowed to be on our phones most of the time, so it’s no wonder school is not as enjoyable anymore.
Some of the major benefits of social media are staying connected with family and friends worldwide via email, text, FaceTime, etc., quick access to information and research, banking and bill pay at our fingertips, online learning, and job skills.
It is incredibly easy to stay connected with almost anybody with just a simple text or Facetime. the information of anything we could ever imagine is there for us with a simple search, which is a major controversy in school. we can pay our bills, create a bank account, and manage money all with a phone. we can learn skills that most people couldn’t teach us without asking for money.
As much as I can understand the benefits of social media and everything good that can come out of it, Social Media is ruining our attention span and directing it towards electronics. Social media has increased our depression rates, and suicide rates, and has taken a toll on our mental health. We as a people need to recognize those around us more than those on a screen. if we look up from our phones and see how much everyone does care, we would be a lot happier. I only see our civilization improving by spending more time around our families, and friends, and not people on a screen who are entertaining for a short period of time. this is my argument, and I hope my listeners will listen to my reason and understand where I am coming from.
“Love (of technology)” by Street matt is licensed under CC BY 2.0.