My favorite thing about school is when I have theatre class. That class is always fun, a good time, and filled with memories of laughter. It’s a class where people are comfortable and able to be themselves. At the beginning, and at the end of class, we usually play a theater game. Most of the time, it’s an improved game, to practice our skills to improve. It helps us, so if we ever forget a line, we are able to make something up on the spot. To help the theatre class raise money, we put on an improved night. During this little show, we played improved games, coming up with things on the spot. Audience members were also able to participate in parts of our performance.
One of the games we played is called slideshow. In this game, there is a presenter, and three other players. An audience member gives the presenter a topic. The topics can vary from yoga, to reindeers being addicted to eggnog. Whatever the weird topic may be, they have to pretend to be an expert on it. The presenter has to present four slides about this topic. The three other players have to try and pose and make a picture relevant to the topic. Then the presenter has to make up what we are doing.

On an improved night, we were in an auditorium on stage. I was one of the players for the game that night. We asked the audience for a suggestion. One person from the way back shouted, “BOOMERANGS!” Just like that, our topic was the danger of boomerangs. The first slide went okay. I was holding it together, trying not to laugh, as our presenter was doing his thing. Usually, I am able to keep it together enough. Yet, that night, I could not stop laughing. I think I had a laughing fever. On the second slide, my pose was throwing the boomerang. Player 2s pose was next to me, in the direction I was throwing it. Pretending it was being thrown at her, she posed with her hands covering her eyes pretending to be scared. While player 3s was on the other side of me with a shocked expression on her face. All together the “picture” we made on the spot was three friends playing with a boomerang. One throws it carelessly towards another with a happy look on her face, while the other stands shocked. Then the scared friend, that the boomerang was being thrown at. During this serious picture, I could not stop laughing. I tried to stop knowing we had an audience. Then the audience started laughing. Just like that I couldn’t control it anymore. Throughout the rest of the game. I could barely hold a solid facial expression. Even though it was incredibly embarrassing, it made the audience laugh, and I call it a win.
It’s always a fun time in theater. It’s full of laughs in good times. Whether you are laughing at a funny scene in a script or laughing on stage because you just could not take the game seriously. Laughter is almost like the foundation of our class. Regardless of our differences, we are able to laugh together like nothing else matters, but us having fun. At the end of the day, laughter brings people closer together.
Featured image: “Boomerang” by Mundoo is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
Additional image: “KiMo theater stage” by BRad06 is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.