Everyone seems to have a social media presence these days. From sharing photos to watching videos people on are social media all the time. It also seems that everyone seems to have a different opinion on it. Some think its awful, others think it great. Social media is a great tool for others to connect over common interests if used in the correct manner.

Social media can be used for communication. Whether I want to share a funny video or just chat with my friend online, social media is the way to go. Truthfully social media is the gateway to connection. Social media helps people who wouldn’t generally meet be able to share idea and conversations with others. This is what makes it different from a general messenger app. It can also be used for information about subjects of interest. It can be more interesting and engaging to learn from a short video or a post as long as you can confirm that it is truthful. Social media is also very widespread, you can find almost anything you want, from funny cat videos to how to ski. Moreover, with social media you unlock access to others and the world around you. People can use social media for laughs, information, or to change the world as long as we all have the same common goal, and use it for good.

On the other hand, the main argument against social media is cyberbullying and wasted time. While its true that social media can be a distraction and waste of time, we have to change how we think of it. Social media will be around for a very long time, so its best for us to learn how to work along with instead of work against it. Going onto social media can be a tool from some people or students to take a break. People say that it is too much of a distraction. This comes to working along with it. People know the consequences associated with blowing something else off to scroll on social media. If they don’t manage their time well it could cause a failed test or semester, or as an adult, fired or worse. Using it as a learning opportunity instead of a burden is the best way to get around that. The second issue in cyberbullying. Social media had built in ways to combat this. Yes, this can be difficult on people but so can many other things. If people feel threatened by someone else they have to option to block them and anyone else they desire. Social media platforms don’t want their platforms to have a name for cyrberbullying so they make it very uncomplicated to block others. Social media should be a place to be yourself and share about yourself, yourself is what matters. It should not be a place where we have to worry about others. Social media developers worked hard to make social media a safe space that can change to the users needs.
When used for the greater good, social media can teach, entertain, and connect with others. As long as we remember to stay safe and use social media for its purpose, it can be an effective tool for whatever you are using it for. It is important that we learn how to use social media to make ourselves and the world a better place.
“Phone Use-23” by rayand is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
“Ladies and Laughter” by Scott 97006 is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
“texting” by Stitch is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.