TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


Digital footprings are going to be different for everyone. Some may contain just photos of achevments, things about your life, or a buisness you may be a part of. A digital footprint is a place some of your employers may look to see what type of person you are. People may want to know what your up to when you aren’t at work or school. They may want to see what kind of image you put out about yourself to see if you are a good fix for their company. A ditigital footprint is basically a good looking online profile; it is something an employer may look at if they want to hire you.

A positive digitat footprint can look like many things. It may look like a very active creative space, or it can look like a place you only interact with once in a while. In an artical called “The Power of a Positive Digital Footprint for Students” the writer says “A person’s online footprint is becoming an increasingly important part of their online brand.”( Jalger). Meaning as technology becomes a bigger part in our life, the more people are going to use it to see what type of Peron you are. You can desin your digital foot print however you please. Just know that it may be used by your employers to see what kind of person are, and what type of things you have acevied, created, of have been a part of.

Why is having a positive digital footprint important? Well acording to “The Power of a Positive Digital Footprint for Students”. “If someone is working hard, being creative, helping others or receiving awards, then surely promoting these skills and achievements online is a good thing”(Jalger). Meaning that if you are being the best person you are and doing all kinds of things why not share it. Doing this may become the reason someone wants you in their company because they see that you are a hard worker and you can help them acheive amazing things. On the other side of things if you have a poor or negitive footprint people may be turned away from interaction with you or even turning down a work aplication. If you are being rude or posting mean or inapropiate thing no one is going to want to interact with you.

There are a few different ways a student may be able to creat a footprint, whether that is a good or a bad one. The first way you many be able to start creating a footprint would be to use “Social media like Facebook and Twitter can be used in a proactive way to develop a positive online presence. These tools allow anyone to collaborate and contribute in meaningful ways.” (Jalger). The tools these provide you can be a good step towards a good footprint becasue it can allow you to be seen online in a positive way; whether that be participationg in an online community or working with other on smaller projects. Another way to build a postive footprint is blooging; according to (Jalger) “Blogging is an excellent way to showcase your interests and skills online. Attaching your name to engaging blog posts shows you’re passionate about a topic and can display your communicative skills.” Even if you don’t do this constantly you can do one a week or even once a mounth, showing differnt milestones in your life and achevments you have reaached. Both social media and blooging and be amazing steps in generating a positive digital footprint.

Dog footprints” by Mel B. is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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