Friday is the best day of the week. You work hard all week and at the end of the day you are relieved to know you have the next 2 days off. Fridays are great days for me. I wake up with the best attitude because I don’t have school after today. Friday is the one day a week a look forward to because I get to hang out with my best friends. I use being able to hang out with them as a form of motivation throughout the day. When we all get together it is nothing but laughter and jokes. It has always been that way because we all get along so well.
I have been working at the same job for around a year and a half. From my time being there I have seen people come and go constantly. It is hard to keep people because the environment and management can be very toxic sometimes. My Friends and I all met about a year ago from work. Over time I have come to the conclusion that you have to be on every managers good side so that you don’t get on their “bad side”. My friends and I all have the same mindset about dealing with the work environment and the management. I think it’s why we all get along so well. We are all able to help each other out during our shifts whether if it’s just running one another’s food to their table or bringing out refills of bread and drinks.
A tradition started for all 7 of us to go out to Applebees after work closes. We all normally work Friday nights so it makes sense for us all to go out. This tradition started back in February and it is still an ongoing thing. It started off with Michelle and Lora going after work. Then it was Me, Emily, Lora and Michelle. Lastly, it was Cole, X and Soph who decided to join. It is important to know that there is a wide variety of ages in this group. I am the youngest person in the group and I’m 18. Lora, who is the oldest is 55. Lora is a server who happens to also be my mom. She has worked with me for a while now. Michelle and Lora get along very well because my mom has known her since the 90’s. Michelle is a few years younger than my mom. She really gets along with my friends and always jokes around with them. We all didn’t really start to become really good friends until X started working there. He was the one that insisted we all go to Applebees and hang out after work one night instead of just the previous 4 of us. It’s been the same way since.
On one of these nights at Applebee’s it was just me, Xavier, Soph, Cole and Michelle. We were hanging out and having conversations. Normally I do remember what we talk about but for some reason I can’t remember what we were talking about in this instance but it ended up being one of the funniest times we went. Michelle was talking and she used the term “Fyi” but she pronounced it “Fwye” and for the whole night we would not let Michelle live it down at all. Anytime she made a statement, we related it back to “Fwye”. It might be the stupidest thing to laugh at but to all of us it was hilarious to us. It might be one of thoes “you just needed to be there to experience it” type moment. All night we kept saying to eachother “I can’t wait to hang out and see you guys next Fwyeday” and asking “How was everyone’s Fwyday night?” Michelle thought it was so funny at first and then we just would not stop. She ended up getting so upset with X because he was the one doing it the most to the point where she smashed a cupcake in his face. We laughed so hard that night.
Laughing is so important for the soul. It keeps you joyful in a way. My story about laughter will always be my favorite story to tell. We have so many moments where we all laugh and joke around with each other but it would take me days to write them all down. Laughter is in fact the best medicine.
“Laughing businesspeople” by Ars Skeptica is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.