I feel Graffiti is a form of art when done for the right reasons. All art takes time and sometimes a great amount of effort. It can help artists show off their true personalities, use their skills for good and they could make money off of their art.
Graffiti is beautiful and can help the artist show people their art, but a lot of times it is done for the wrong reason. “If it wasn’t for the fact that most graffiti is placed on private property without the owner’s permission, then it might be more recognized as a legitimate form of art.” I like to think if more people stopped using Graffiti as a way to make people mad, it would lose the stigma of vandalism in our society. (Dolan).

If the people who use Graffiti as an act of vandalism instead of an art form changed for the better and started using their unique skills in different ways, it would help everyone, “Maybe if some of the people behind the graffiti art were taken in hand and trained, they could use their artistic skills in more productive ways.” I feel that all people included, the people whose property is getting vandalized, the artists getting in trouble for doing it, and the people that have to clean it would all benefit if graffiti was only used for good. (Dolan).
I know over time graffiti will be widely known and accepted as a form of art, because people could make money off of their enjoyment of creating graffiti pieces. “Graffiti art has been shown in various galleries in New York and London, and artists are often commissioned to do legal murals and other work for art shows.” Graffiti has already started to be recognized as a form of art and will most likely evolve into one for everyone, this increases the variety for people who enjoy a difference in the art they view. Graffiti is always evolving in society, and now it is starting to feel like art. “This is further proof that graffiti is a form of art and not just a result of random acts of vandalism. The graffiti community moves in different directions and the resultant artwork moves with it.” If graffiti stays on the same track of being seen as art for all people to enjoy, it will be great for all communities involved.
In conclusion, I feel Graffiti is a form of art when done for the right reasons. If people work to destroy the stigma of graffiti, it will create many opportunities for the artists and the people who enjoy graffiti as well. Graffiti can be a beauty, and everyone should be allowed to enjoy it, the right way.
“Rime MSK SeventhLetter LosAngeles Graffiti Art” by anarchosyn is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
“Ewok AWR HM T7L Linz MO LosAngeles graffiti Art” by anarchosyn is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.