The relationship between owning something and your self identity can be a gray area. While you don’t want to base what you have for possessions, on how you identify yourself. Your possessions can also measure a level of self respect, and help others respect you more. While possessions don’t make you who you are. Possessions can gauge a sort of feeling on how far you feel you have come. Owning something can mean a lot of things. It can make you feel happy with yourself or even angry at yourself. Possessions have a lot of influence on your self identity.
Your self identity is paramount to success. If you don’t love yourself, you can’t make strides to get the possessions you’ve always wanted. You’ve gotta stay positive and ambitious towards your goals. You’ll get those possessions when you build that positive self identity. The first step to success is building a strong foundation, it’s hard to build a house without it. Staying positive in times of hardship may be the deciding factor to how you’ll own things. When trying to stay positive always remember your support system, you need a strong support system in order to succeed. Staying positive throughout times of hardship can be key to succeeding. And then you’ll be able to find out what it’s truly like to own.
Owning something is all about how you got there. You work hard to own things in life. You either work a job to pay for something you want, you own up to your mistakes, or even when you just inherit something, and then come to own it. It all takes strong hard work in loving yourself, or loving your job, or even loving your parents. It all builds a strong foundation into building a life for yourself. Then truly owning your own self and owning up to your mistakes. You’ve got to come to love every trial and tribulation in life. Only then will you truly come to own life. You’ll own the world, and feel as though you worked hard for your possessions. There is no better feeling than working hard for something you want, then coming to own that. That can be as simple as just wanting to own up, and be a better person. That’s what owning truly is.
When life comes down to it, you’ve gotta love yourself and build a strong self identity. You have to always build yourself up, and own up to your mistakes. You’ve got to build that strong foundation so you can come to own what you want in life. Building a strong self image is key in the success of yourself and the people around you. Its key in finally saving up that money to buy that new car. Then you’ll truly feel as though you own it. Or even finally owning up for something that bothers you mentally. Not letting your possessions overtake you either is important. You can’t be over inflated in your possessions so that you forget who you truly are. That’s the true meaning of owning something.
“nice place nice car” by Benoit cars is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.