TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Patience Is Key

Patience is key in life. There are many things in life where patience becomes important. Things don’t come right at the moment when you want them to. At this point you have to wait for the things you want and take your time to do things. Not everyone earns things right away. Most people have to wait for the things to come. I am a very quiet patient person. I have been known for being quite patient out of the others I know. Patience takes time and thought to when it comes to tasks that take long. For example patient people are willing waiting, learning, and listening. I’m willing to wait as long as I can anywhere and not complain. As I am patient I am more understandable and able to control myself feelings easier than others. For an example of an Impatient person is my brother. For example he doesn’t like to wait long and I find that he can’t control his temper as good, he complains quite often, and doesn’t understand things as easily. When my brother and I are in a store with our parents and our parents tell us to wait at the cart and my brother will tell me to “wait at the cart” as he walks around with my parents while I wait at the cart for them. Sometimes when my brother is getting impatient and needs to calm down and wait, I tell him, ” you need to be patient, have some patience,” and his response back to me is,” I don’t have any patience”.

The impacts of people having patience is that they don’t stress as easily, the are more focused of moving forward. People with patience are more tolerant and more productive in their own ways. they are more reliable of being focused of doing their work. We may face difficulties as patient people but we work our way to keep on trying to succeed no matter how long it takes or what happens.

Therefore, As we learn more about how important patience is we can see a difference in others personality. For example; patient people are or act calm and are pretty quiet. I am a calm person. As a patient person I am able to be engaged very easily in the topic and try my best to understand while listening. I am able to take long lectures or listen quietly or without being a distraction by sitting in class quietly and listening. I can wait in cars, stores, and other places while on the other hand, my brother is a person who does not have any patience in him. I usually have a positive mind set to keep my patience up.

In particular we can a big difference in peoples personality between patient people and impatient. Therefor, impatient people are or act very extroverted and usually have an attitude. As we wait, we learn how to become more patient and how patience is important in your life.

Let’s Imagine a person is waiting for their doctors appointment in a waiting room and the appointment is running late because they are busy. The environment of the office is very busy with lots of people waiting for their own appointments. The person walks into the waiting room and their personality appears as calm and not frustrated of what is going on. The patient who is waiting is a very patient person. They appear in the office with respect and show that they are willing to wait. The person waits patiently and respectful towards the others. The patient is waiting a little longer than expected but still shows and sits as calmly with respect and no frustration. As the patient waits patiently the doctor comes and calls your name and says, ” we are sorry for the wait” and the patient person respectfully responds back, ” I had no problem of waiting, I see the office is quite busy”.

Now lets imagine a impatient person waiting for their doctors appointment and the office is running late because they are busy. An impatient person appears as they are frustrated and wanting things at that moment. The environment of the office is very busy with others waiting for their appointment. The person can not wait and can’t sit still at the moment they start to show some action by pacing around in the room looking mad. They show no respect at the busy doctors office and tries to get into his appointment at the moment. They show that they can no longer wait and be calm. As the doctor comes out and calls their name, the impatient person says, ” finally, that took a while,” without showing their respect.

Lastly, patience is key because as we learn more about the importance of having patience, we learn that patience is good for you and your well being. I see a change in myself because my well-being is getting better as I grow up being patient. Having patience is having positive mindset. The saying, ” good things come to those who wait,” means those who have waited and worked hard will be rewarded for something. But as long as you have patience you can stay focused on your work without having trouble or stress Patience is key and strength. At the end this shows that patient people stay patient. It shows who they are as a person.

Link to image-“Sometimes They Are A Matter Of Patience” by an untrained eye is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.


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