TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Vandalism or Vision? 

 Graffiti can be seen or found almost anywhere you go, so why is it still such a sensitive topic or is it vandalism or art? 

Graffiti is a form of art like any other. A big reason why many people are against graffiti is because individuals tend to vandalize historic buildings or important architecture in their towns or cities. although when it is used on empty abandoned buildings or a big box of plain metal on the side of the road then why do we see it as vandalism instead of a new beautiful art piece. I understand tagged names being seen as vandalism but not something like some birds or puppies or even murals stuff like that should bring some joy and creativity to its surroundings. Stowers makes a great point explaining “that tags have little aesthetic appeal and probably should not be considered art. However, larger pieces require planning and imagination and contain artistic elements like color and composition” (3-11 Stowers).

I believe this quote backs up my reasoning on why graffiti should be seen as art and not a form of vandalism. It could also be used to motivate other surrounding artists to level up their art or even make it more important with art works like murals or art work that ties the community together. George Stowers also mentions that “Like all other artistic forms, graffiti has experienced movements or changes in style. From the first tag scribbled on a subway train to the large, complex mural on a billboard” (Stowers 9-11). 

Graffiti has had its ups and downs like any other art movement that involves things that are not the societal norm. Thus being said the movement should be looked at as a way of progressive change and development vs illegality and vandalism. I believe there are ways to prevent graffiti that is compared to an eyesore or a waste of space, by setting rules on where it is allowed and what kind of art is placed there. Dolan states that “Maybe if some of the people behind the graffiti art were taken in hand and trained, they could use their artistic skills in more productive ways”( Dolan 7-8). This quote helps back up my claim of expanding new artists horizons and helping bring the community together by administering a change for the better.

Finally I believe the art style still has a long way to go but I do not believe it is an impossible task to make graffiti more socially acceptable. Here Dolan talks about how it will be hard to accomplish this goal but not impossible.  “After all, who would remember Monet or Picasso if they’d created their masterpieces on walls, only to have them painted over the next day? Finding a solution to such a complex situation is never going to be easy, but as more graffiti art is being recognized in galleries around the world, we do need to try” (Dolan 8-8). Lastly I think graffiti will be appreciated one day, as long as there are some changes made about the vandalism of historic and valuable buildings as well as understanding how beneficial the presence of the art itself can be.

Overall I believe graffiti is a form of art to an extent I do not believe in vandalism but I do believe in creativity and the magic art can bring to a dull area. 

vandalism v art1” by id-iom is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.


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