Almost all people today have a cell phone or home phone, but everyone has a different way that they like to use it. In today’s world you can get in touch with someone at anytime almost anywhere you want. Some people text and some people call, but everyone has a different preference. There are benefits to both texting and calling, but they both have their flaws.
Texting is used everyday to reach out and keep in touch with people. A text can be very meangingful to some people. Sometimes a text does not always go so well though, when you send a text people can not hear your tone of voice and so many text can be read wrong and misinterpreted. The benefits to a text is that it is quick and easy and does not take up a lot of time. In everyday life people send texts for a quick thank you, like when they get a birthday card from a distant relative, or if they are looking for information that does not need to be a whole phone call worth. Maybe they just need to know the address to a person’s house or are texting their mom and asking what is for dinner while she is at work. That is one advantage to texting because you can not call your mom while she is working when you can just text her. Many businesses use texting to set up interviews or even send rewards. But then many people receive spam text everyday from different businesses and websites they explore everyday online, I know I do. Anyway texting can be good and bad especially if people do not check their text and then you are left stranded by that person you are reaching out too.

Making a phone call can be beneficial in many ways, one of the biggest ways is people are able to hear your tone of voice and can understand what you are trying to say without having to decipher a text. On the other hand making a phone call can take forever and if you are not in cell range you are not making any phone calls or sending any text. Making a call is helpful when it comes to having an emergency like calling 911 for instance, you can’t text 911 that would take forever, but being able to call an emergency line, you get the help you need within minutes. Lets just hope you are in cell range to get the help you need.
Both texting and calling have their flaws and strengths, it is all about the preference of the person. I do know that when you call a relative, espesically a grandparent, they love to hear your voice rather then a text to check in.
“cell phone evolution – from nokia brick to sony-ericsson w810i – _MG_6192” by sean dreilinger is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.
“Cell Phone’s Light” by Kohei314 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.