TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


          The world can do things to innocent people for no reason. Sometimes these things can be awful and ruin their lives. In Maine we don’t need to deal with horrible hurricanes like Harvey, but Texas does.
          Hurricane Harvey was a hurricane that went through Texas and destroyed many innocent peoples homes. I remember turning on the TV and hearing about it and thinking it was a normal thing. Sometimes when things don’t affect us we don’t realize how bad things are. Up here in Maine we can get storms and nothing really big happen. Maybe a telephone pole falls down and causes a town to lose power. While down in Texas hurricane Harvey decided it wanted to cause destruction and destroy the homes of people who were probably just trying to get by another day like we all do. Then all of a sudden their home is destroyed and the city of Houston is flooded. After the realization that they don’t have a home, that’s when they realize that they lost maybe a family pet or family member. If that didn’t happen maybe family memories got destroyed. Like a family picture that was taken on a vacation.
          We might lose power for a week and move on after that, but we should be more aware of what happens down south when a big hurricane destroys cities or any other natural disaster destroying stuff. Society in 2018 focuses on their selves over helping the ones who need more than themselves. Up here in Litchfield Maine we didn’t have power for a whole week. Some roads had to be closed down because the trees on those roads fell down or branches broke and leaned on power lines from the force of the wind. Some places got their power back within the first day, but other people weren’t so lucky and got the power back a week later. I was one of the unfortunate ones and I was responsible for getting extra buckets of water because I knew the woods. So they left me with the quest to go get buckets of water from the brook 1 mile into the woods. 3 buckets to be exact and that’s 6 miles that I walked just for the extra water we needed. Yes I could try to carry two buckets at once, but I knew it was already hard enough to not spill all of the water in a bucket. When getting water I realized that the walk there wasn’t as bad of the walk back. It was already cold outside never mind the water splashing on you. By the time I got back home with one bucket I looked into the bucket and noticed I had half of a bucket of water. That’s when I decided that I would only bring half buckets home. When my dad got home that night he hooked up the generator. So it wasn’t like we went the whole time without power. We did need to keep it off so it wasn’t constantly running when we didn’t need it. Like at night we had it shut off because you really don’t need power when sleeping. Of course my siblings complained that they didn’t have their tv and video games, but I wasn’t to bothered. I knew that things could be worse.
       When ever you think you have it bad sit down and think about what else could of happened. When having no tv or video games is your problem, then you don’t have it too bad. Hurricane Harvey destroyed lives while a simple little power outage just took away some things people are used to living with. My siblings got their tv and video games back after the week. Just think about a power outage as a time to sit back and relax when you’re home. You’ll have your stuff back soon after.


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