TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

The Beginning

Generally these speeches are given by our elders who have some great wisdom to share about all of their life experiences, who are able to tell you where you’re supposed to go next. Yet, I have no real wisdom to give. I am a high school student, I have not yet experienced the great wonders, and struggles, that life has to offer- I have only really experienced these last four years. All I know at this point is that high school is a small part of life that will not impact us in any great way, or at least I think I know.

Right now graduating is the only thing on everyone’s minds;it is for me. We are all focused on leaving and never coming back to this place that has housed our daily lives for the past four years. But why? Why is everyone so anxious to leave? Because high school sucked, in one way or another for everyone in this room. Every one of you sitting in front of me has had a high school experience that you do not want to remember in the future. I know I have had many. Well, good news is we won’t remember those awful moments. All the memories we currently hold will dissipate as we make new ones, as we live the next, many, decades of our lives.

At this moment I can not stand in front of you telling you to be great, I can’t offer advice for the pursuing years of your life. I can only tell you that this isn’t it, there is more to life than we have seen and we all know it.

This time next year we will be binge watching Grey’s Anatomy for the fifth time and eating all the food we can possibly find, after all we just survived our first year of college. We will complain about the stress we endured, but in all reality we will be longing to go back, to see our new best friends and enjoy our independence. But, college is more than just a social experience; we will be progressing ourselves and furthering our educations to propel ourselves into a great big beautiful life. We will no longer be taking unnecessary classes like piano because that’s the last elective the school offers, we will not be dealing with the petty drama between old friends, and if we’re lucky enough we will always have enough water to go to the bathroom.

Before we blink we will be parents, working full time jobs and longing for the “ease” of highschool, no longer remembering the misery that was secondary schooling. Despite the sleepless nights and the baby vomit, the many tears, and retched diaper changes you will find immense joy in watching your creation flourish as they take their first steps, or ride their bike without training wheels for the first time. You will enjoy the precious giggles, the “you’re home” hugs, the wonders of parenthood. Or you will be travelling the world. Seeking the greatness that this planet has to offer- watching the dolphins leap from the waves as you sojourn through the hundreds of marvelous locations to explore.

And those are the times that you will remember, the times you will enjoy far more than any memory you hold from high school. But, that’s just what I have been told.

Standing here today I do not know what the future will hold, I can not insure that we will all live great lives, but I know there’s a whole world of possibility. Literally anything can happen, after all, we all witnessed Donald Trump become president. All I know is this. Right here, right now. But I am beyond excited to see what the future holds.

I stand before you telling you that you will love college, that parenthood will be great, or you will travel the world. And I hope that you all do, I hope you move on from the petty drama we have all experienced to live an incredible, exciting life, however I cannot guarantee that you will because I do not control that- you do. So, take the advice that our elders have given us, take control of your life and be extraordinary. Do not let what you’re feeling at this moment hold you back, because high school does not define you. High school is not forever. Leave this part of your life behind and live. Do not look back on this period of time, at least until your kids are living through the same emotional tribulations you have just survived. And when the time comes that you must remember this misery give your children the same advice; tell them that this will not last forever, even though they won’t believe you- just as we haven’t believed our parents.

Even though we all sit in this room uncertain of what is to come, I can say with confidence that there is more than this. Everything you have experienced up until this point, everything you’re experiencing now, it’s just the beginning.


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  • mnelson18
    May 30, 2018 at 9:55 am 

    I can definitely agree that high school isn’t the end and that it’s only the beginning. You did a really good job getting the message out to the audience.

  • ofallon18
    May 30, 2018 at 10:04 am 

    The voice used in this piece maintained a good balance between being formal and informal. I agree with @mnelson18 that the message really would be able to get out to the audience.

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