TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble


Looking back at times of accepting responsibility, there was one in particular in that I remember to be quite funny now, but at the time it was not so funny. I was on the Turnpike driving to Bangor to bring a family member up to Dysart’s to catch a bus to Mars Hill. Well, on the way up to the bus station, I had the wrong exit in mind. I thought we had to go to the Hogan Road exit, which was around mile 186, but we were actually going to a completely different exit. The exit was actually much sooner than I was expecting. The exit we needed was something like 150.
Going up the Turnpike, I had told my stepdad, who was driving, to keep going when he was trying to get off at the wrong exit (or so I thought). So, he kept going past the exit. Looking up from my phone, and just caught a glimpse of the Dysart’s building go flying by. By the time I had said “Oh, I guess that was the right exit,” My stepdad was already looking for a place to get off to turn around.
Getting to the next exit, we had to manage to turn around to get back on the turnpike, apparently, that exit was a divided highway. We had to go down the road for about a mile and a half to find a place to turn around. We had made it back on to the turnpike and we were on our way again. The great part was that we had gotten to the bus station with about 5 to 10 minutes to spare. Luckily, the bus was running late as well, helping with the time we had left to get to the bus station.
After the whole ordeal, I had explained to my stepdad that I thought that we needed to go further up to go to the Bangor mall area for some reason. Long story short, I was pretty embarrassed when I was arguing with my stepdad when he was right. I felt pretty bad after the fact, but looking back now, it was a pretty funny event.
Photo by CountyLemonade on / CC BY


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