Back in the day, before good ol’ social networking, life was much simpler. There was no such thing as Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr. I think that in certain ways social networking is good and has improved parts of our lives, but overall it has a negative impact on us young people. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy using twitter, but people definitely abuse it. When behind a keyboard, everyone feels tough. I can not even count the number of twitter fights I have seen. Before social networking there was a lot less drama. There was no such thing as an ‘indirect tweet’ or an anonymous message. If you had a problem with someone, you confronted them about it and actually worked it out like a normal human being, you did not start drama on twitter or talk smack.
One of the biggest issues I have noticed online is the enormous amount of spelling errors. I’m all for abbreviations, but if I can not figure out what the person is saying because their grammar is so terrible, there is a problem. I have noticed online that people do not know how to correctly use their, there, they’re, your and you’re. It is not ‘there boyfriend’ or ‘you’re car’ and people just can not grasp that. I literally feel like all of the education that we have learned throughout our whole lives has just turned around and is going backwards.
Another thing I have noticed is the amount of people who go on social networking sites instead of doing schoolwork or paying attention in class. It is so easy to get distracted, especially when we have access to these things on both computers and our cell phones. In class if you look around, a majority of students are using a social networking site. I am definitely guilty of going on social networking sites when I am bored. What scares me is the fact that it is basically second nature to for me to check my Twitter or Instagram. Out of habit I just find myself grabbing for my phone. I think this is the case for many people.
Technology is changing and finding new ways to stay connected and up to date on everything. Obviously, I believe that in some ways that is a very good thing. We can now contact people with the touch of a button. If we did not have technology our lives would be so much more difficult, but we definitely would not need social networking. Technology, the internet, and really anything linked to it, just absorb all of our time. I just hope we do not end up like the people on Wall-E. That would be a very unfortunate way to live. I think that yes, social networking is convenient, but it damages important life skills like grammar and actual face-to-face communication, along with causing useless and unneeded drama.
This is so true, kids are glued to electronics starting at younger and younger ages! My little brother and sister know how to use an Ipad better then I do, it was really changed how people interact with each other, I was always outside as a kid and now kids watch tv all day, and are also getting phones at younger and younger ages!
I agree with this whole topic. I think it is very much annoying when I see people talking on face book spelling every words wrong, weather they think it is cool, easier, thug, or what ever it may be. They plainly just look stupid. Another thing that it is impacting is the communication. All people do is text each other, and now this new thing called snap chat. I’m not going to lie, I do both a lot, but I also am very social. For the people that only text, well I feel bad for them.
I think the points you brought up were very good. I agree that social networking is good because we can contact people far away within the matter of a few seconds but I also agree that people are taking it too far. When all someone can do is pick up there phone every few seconds to check facebook, twitter, snapchat ect. then there’s a problem. Kids are becoming so addicted to games instead of going outside to play like I did when I was a kid. I hope that our society sees whats happening and tries to fix it sooner than later.