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How Soccer Brings the World Together

In almost every country there has been some form of soccer or futball. The sport even dates back to over 3,000 years ago. The fact that even now, with all the other sports in the world, soccer has still endured is a statement at its’ power and how loved it is. The fact that the sport brings the world together in such a massive and amazing way every four years is a feat in its’ own. The sheer power that the sport totally and completely unites and yet tears the world apart at the same time is spectacular. It unites the world in such a way that everyone loves each other, yet tears the world apart because, let’s face it, who wants to see their team especially their country lose.

In light of upcoming events of the summer it feels appropriate to talk about just how much the FIFA, or Fédération Internationale de Football Association (International Football Federation Association) World Cup brings the world together. People come from literally all around the world to see the games and see their team play. The fact that the world is totally united over one sport is spectacular. What other sport unites the world in such a way? What other sport can captivate the entire world for months on end? What other sport could do this? Only soccer, can do all of this.

The FIFA World Cup is such a powerful event that is can make countries set aside their fighting and their differences and just play a sport they all love and represent their country while doing it. They know that at that point and time soccer is the only important thing to them and all they need to worry about is the game. This is such a powerful event that it actually can cause peace in the world if only for a short time.

With the entire world practically revolving around the FIFA World Cup it is a shame that most Americans do not even know much about soccer let alone the FIFA World Cup. It is truly sad that America has such talent and potential yet we do not pay attention to the finesse and skill of a good soccer match where one goal actually equals one goal. Instead we prefer a much smaller event with mindless brutes hitting each other to no end, with little to no skill and where one touchdown equals six points.

While few realize it after the the FIFA World Cup is done it is not really truly done, give it about six months or so and they are already planning for the next fifa World Cup in three years and six months. With that comes all the teams from around the world beginning both their friendly and qualifying matches for the next FIFA World Cup. While the big event of the FIFA World Cup is only every four years the true ground work and most of the FIFA World Cup is done in the months and years before the big event.

Finally with the United States of America constantly getting closer and closer to the fiscal cliff just to raise the debt limit again it seems appropriate to talk about the financial benefits of hosting the FIFA World Cup. Aside from the cost of building new soccer fields and arenas the FIFA World Cup can rake in loads of money. If you think about it this makes a lot of sense because you have many people coming from all around the world and spending money at the games of everything from food, apparel, tickets to watch the game, and so much more. Along with this it will also give people more work and help boost the economy because there will be people that are needed to build and people to maintain the stadiums. It will help improve the economy too because there will be people buying hotel rooms and groceries and things of that nature. All of this is happening for months and boosts the economy to help at least take a chunk out of our monstrous debt that we have.

There are so many sports out there that people claim to be the best but there is no evidence to support it, except for one, soccer. It is the only sport that not just one nation but the entire world over plays, loves, and thrives off of. In fact many countries including England are normally playing in at least three different soccer leagues at any time. That is why soccer is such a massive part of the world and how it pulls it together.

Featured Image: “Flags” by Judy Van Der Velden @ Flickr


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  • jkupfer14
    April 14, 2014 at 8:02 am 

    I liked it kridley14. I like how you compare this sport, to that of american football, with brutes hitting each other. Then the mini rant on economic gains from what we, as a nation, could benefit from. Plus I knew that people came from all over to watch the fifa, but I never knew that it came every four years. this was a very well write piece.

    • kridley14
      April 14, 2014 at 8:05 am 

      Thank you Cupcake!!!! 😀

  • apriest14
    April 14, 2014 at 10:10 am 

    No jobs rids! This is the best post I have read yet. I Really like how well you talked about this sport. It was cool how you talked about how great FIFA is. It was so good. Can’t wait to read more from you.

  • dgamage14
    May 4, 2014 at 7:26 pm 

    It is a great post and soccer really is a sport that brings together everybody from around the world although I have to disagree with you on one point. You ask “what other sport unifies the world in such a way?” I would have to say that although not one sport specifically, the Olympic Games unify everybody also every four years (two if you count the winter and summer). This is especially true for Track and Field within the Olympics where in 1936 at Berlin, Germany Adolf Hitler even congratulated American athlete Jesse Owens for his accomplishments. As one sport though soccer stands as a much better way of unifying countries though.

  • eblack14
    May 5, 2014 at 9:41 am 

    What a great perspective! Soccer really does unite the world, from players to fans. The FIFA World Cup I think at times, gets overlooked simply because it is soccer, when it is so much more. This was an outstanding read!

  • zperham14
    May 8, 2014 at 1:06 pm 

    This is a great post. I liked it a lot. I also learned some things from it, too. Soccer is often overlooked because its not as popular as football in America, but when you look at the amount of people who appreciate it worldwide, it is kind of overwhelming. I like how no other sport unites the world in such a way. I liked how you mentioned that countries set aside their differences in order to play and enjoy their favorite sport. Anyone who thinks football is better should definitely look at that fact, because the Super Bowl is just a one-night event that people simply watch from home mostly and it doesn’t unite the world, only America.

  • radams14
    May 30, 2014 at 10:32 pm 

    This seems like a great example of how our country is somewhat closed minded when it comes to sports. I think that what your saying about soccer also holds true for rugby and Formula 1. These are also held on an international level and entirely absent in America. Perhaps they should be introduced as well, they might have a similar effect.
    It also occurred to me that if more large sporting competitions, such as the FIFA World Cup, we might see an improvement in health on a national level. It’s no secret that the american youth has a health problem, maybe something like this could be used to inspire people to get active. Do you agree?

  • cbanton14
    June 2, 2014 at 8:30 am 

    Yes I agree that it does bring the world together soccer or futball has to be one of the most popular and played sport world wide. I am a football player but I also play soccer on travel teams. This is a great post because you are explaining how it brings the world together.

  • mbeckles14
    June 3, 2014 at 11:43 am 

    I agree with this post 100%, soccer is just one of those sports that everyone can agree on how great it is and it really has bought the world together like you explained in your piece.

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