TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Friends Are Like They Are and That’s How They Are

Friendship is when a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically exclusive of sexual or family relations. That is at least what the definition of friendship is online. Although unfortunately not all of my friendships meet that definition I still consider many people my friend. With this all being concluded, my personal opinion on the matter is that friendship can not be defined; it is what you feel inside that makes someone your friend and those emotions are unparalleled to the emotions brought forth by any other encounter. I have had many moments in my short years of life in which a friend has helped me and I have helped a friend, but in saying this some moments are more prominent than others. Just like memories, some friends stand out and have a true impact on one’s life. a best friend is not a title that should be thrown around it has more meaning than a regular friendship it is someone that will never be forgotten. To tell a story about a friend or best friend in which you helped them and they helped you is to recall a memory that will never be forgotten. That is what I shall talk about, a moment in my life in which I helped someone and I then later received help in return.

I was younger than I am today. Around 14 to be exact and while it may only be three years ago it feels like an eternity. I was at a get-together or a party. A friend had brought me as they had their license and I, of course, did not. While at the party I found myself enjoying my time with people more settled to my age group. We were inside talking about what teenage boys talk about late at night. We all ended up getting tired of talking and playing video games and decided to go outside and play manhunt as it was a warm calm summer night and we had nothing better to do. We decided on rounding up as many people as possible to get a big game going rather than the 4-5 of us that were hanging out together while at this get-together. I went up to the person who brought me and asked them if they wanted to play and whatnot. They, of course, said yes and this led to the game commencing shortly later. I found myself running through the woods with a small group of other people. I was trying to find a good hiding place as well that’s the whole point of the game. Once finding a place that looked good enough I settled down and played the waiting game. I eventually got found and caught which was unfortunate, but it was getting late so I figured it was best to get things going anyways. This led to me going to the individual who had agreed to take me home. When we were about to get in his car he reached in his pocket to find that his keys were gone. We concluded that he had lost them. I mentioned that “We should split up and look and to call if one of us had found the missing keys”. I started off on my journey. Knowing that it might be tedious, but it was certainly necessary. I searched for what seemed like hours even though it had only really been roughly 30 minutes. I found myself getting impatient and tired of what was progressing. I ended up calling him to see how things were going, but also to make sure we weren’t looking in the same areas. I hung up the phone to find myself back in reality. I looked up to see that I was right next to all of us gathered to play manhunt earlier in the night. I thought I would walk around the area and see if maybe they had slipped out when he was running or whatnot. I approached a small area in the grass that I had not been to before. I saw what seemed like a shimmer against my phone flashlight. I approached in excitement at what this could mean. There they were my friend’s keys lying in the grass untouched glistening in the light my phone showered upon them. I immediately unlocked my phone as fast as I could dialing my friend in what seemed to be record time. It rang, once, twice and on the third, he picked up and shouted: “you find em!?” I replied “yes they were in the weirdest spot, but I’ll meet you in a few minutes at your car” I hung up and found myself running towards his car as this journey was coming to a close. Thinking about how long it took and why this had happened. Once we got to his car we discussed things and laughed it off as it seemed like one big joke even though it had been rather serious. Finally, right before dropping me off he thanked me for my help. It didn’t mean much to me at the time because I had just thought it as I would not have gotten home if I did not find them so I saw it as a need more than anything else. However, looking back on it now I was happy to help and I figured it was a good lesson to be known for me in the future. Always help those in need even if they are your friends or not. It made all the difference a few years later when I myself had a license and I was transporting kids to a graduation party that was going on later in the day.

My experiences on what was and what came to be. Eventually, later in life I myself had my license and was invited to all sorts of things that I could drive to myself. However, this means that now people start asking for rides to places rather than me asking. It seemed as though everything had done a full 180. With this being said, I found myself driving to someone’s house for a graduation party with two people in my back seat as they wanted to go, but did not have rides. We all arrived at the graduation party safely. I immediately asked if someone wanted to play me in cornhole as I’d like to think I’m rather good. I kicked off the day rather easily as I was there to celebrate and have a good time which was what I planned on doing. Someone eventually asked me to go inside and play them in floor hockey in which I could not resist. I got inside and thought about if I was actually any good at floor hockey, but then realized that it did not matter. I set all my belongings on the table and set out to play for quite some time. I was just finishing a game when I heard “Food’s ready” and realized that it was time to eat. I also expected cake and the other general festivities to occur so I rushed out of the room with great excitement. All the festivities had finally concluded it had become rather dark outside and I found the party starting to die down. More and more people started to be leaving so I figured it was good to pack up and get heading out. I gathered up the two people I needed to bring home and once I got to my car, I found that my keys and my wallet were gone and currently not in my pocket. I was scared of what this could mean for me and my belongings. I immediately looked at them and said: “I lost my keys so it looks like we’re gonna need to find those”. We all split up to look for the items I had lost. I started thinking about what I had done and where I had been as well as the last place I knew I had them. I started looking through the area where the corn hole was set up and couldn’t seem to find anything. I had a lanyard with other items on it rather than just my keys, but I was also concerned with the wallet being gone as well. I started looking by the fire pit and generally just looking around outside. I felt a buzz in my pocket and realized I was getting a phone call from one of my friends I picked up the phone. One of the people helping me look had found my keys and other belongings, I was relieved beyond words. I hung up the phone and rushed back to my car. When I got there I saw my belongings in the person’s hand and asked: “where were they”. Come to find out I had never put my things back in my pocket after playing floor hockey. I felt stupid for not realizing it sooner, but I also felt bad for the people who drove with me as I should take better care of my belongings. Overall I will still be relieved that I had my things and I had people to thank for helping me find them.

Thinking back on it now I am glad that when I was younger, I was able to be that help for someone who had found themselves in an unfortunate circumstance. When at parties or get-togethers, it is often a hectic scene of individuals all trying to have a good time, but also overall chaos is occurring. I realized this when I was younger, but once I aged a little and got a license of my own, I found out directly how it feels to lose something important and not know where it is. I also found out that it helps to have people around you that are willing to help out in case you find yourself in a situation that is most undesirable.

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  • rgoucher20
    May 11, 2020 at 1:31 pm 

    Well this was interesting to say the least, I have had several experiences with loosing my keys or wallet at a party or just being out and about. I agree that learning these when we are younger is much better than having to deal with such trivial things as loosing keys now. I love the little bit of detail you went into about how best friend is not something you just throw around, it is very similar to my philosophy of friendship. The parts about learning to just help someone in need is very touching to who I am, especially if I know the person. Great writing that kept me interested, thanks for the good read.

    • gskehan20
      May 28, 2020 at 2:44 pm 

      Thank you for the comment rgoucher20! there were many moments throughout writing this, that I thought about things further then needed. After writing things in extreme detail I thought that maybe it was too much. I am glad that you found interest in my story, but also appreciated the thought I put into it.

  • cjunkins20
    May 13, 2020 at 10:27 am 

    I really enjoyed this story. I really liked how you helped a buddy find his keys than later on your other buddys help you find your other keys, definitely some good karma right there sir. Seems like quite the experience too, I tpically just leave my keys in my car because I know I have nothing to lose for my meat-wagon.

  • jnoel20
    May 19, 2020 at 6:22 pm 

    This is a pretty funny story, I really like what you said at the way beginning though, “friendship can not be defined; it is what you feel inside that makes someone your friend”. I definitely agree with this, there are different types of people which makes different types of friends, so not one friendship in the same, defined story. This was a great example.

  • lsturtevant20
    May 22, 2020 at 11:56 am 

    What an interesting story, with a twist of irony too! If this doesn’t resemble the true form of “what comes around goes around” than I don’t know what does. What I do know is I have been in situations like this before, both looking for keys and finding keys. It is not fun, but it is life and like you said it is something to laugh about in the end.

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