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What is Graffiti?

When you see graffiti what do you think? Does it seem illegal or like a beautiful creation? Most people have different opinions about graffiti and what it is. But is graffiti any different from other abstracts and colorful pieces of artwork? The only difference between the artwork we see on a canvas and graffiti is how it’s used and where it’s put. If there could be better ways on where to create this art then graffiti will be viewed as true art.

There are many different types of graffiti that we see everyday. The most popular type of graffiti is known as tags. Tags are usually names or words that you see on buildings. But what people don’t realize is “Graffiti art is much more than that. It can mean a colorful mural with a message of diversity or a black and white stencil piece protesting police brutality.” (“Graffiti as Art”) Graffiti is a misunderstood art form. People assume the whole point is to vandalize but it’s really just creating art. The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles included pieces of graffiti art in their show. Laura Fanning, a visitor of the Museum, saw the graffiti display and said that ‘ I just saw it more as vandalism (the graffiti art). Now I see it more as a commentary and a way to express oneself.” (CBS) After Fanning was exposed to graffiti on a canvas instead on buildings her perspective changed. If graffiti artists would use their skills and put it somewhere where it would be more acceptable they would be able to show their beautiful creations off to everyone.

Essentially if graffiti artists are given a chance to take their illegal work off the street they can have a better future with this type of art. When the Museum of Contemporary Art put on their art show they purposely added graffiti art. Aaron Rose, the Associate Curator of the show, said their goal was to “Steer young graffiti artists away from doing illegal work and getting more excited about the fact that they could possibly have a career in this.” (CBS) If people can see the true creations of this art form in a different place they will definitely be more appreciative of it. If the artists can realize that it’s not the art itself, it is where they choose to create their art. In the article “Is Graffiti Art?” Steve Dolan makes good points and solutions to these artist’s problems. He says “perhaps there are other ways to cooperate with the graffiti artists rather than just opposing them. Graffiti artists can create sanctioned murals for private property owners and get paid for it.” (Dolan 1) Instead of having their art get painted over and bashed they could turn it around and make a career out of it. By taking these steps graffiti artists can create a new perspective on graffiti and what it stands for.

Graffiti is just another form of art but it is the way the artists use it. If more places like the Museum of Contemporary Art can expose more people to graffiti and the true reason of it’s being I think more people would enjoy it. But on the other hand, the artists need to be more concerned of where their artwork is created. If there can be a better way the artists can use graffiti it will make their art more appreciated and accepted. By using these solutions I think graffiti will be just as important as the other art work you see hanging on your walls.

Featured Image: “Graffiti 1” by huipiiing is licensed under CC BY 2.0


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