Imorissette22 is a guy who is very interested in his sports, baseball specifically. When playing baseball he is behind the plate, playing catcher. He is big into family, doing anything possible with them whenever. Playing baseball is a good way to combine both of the things he loves, his team is a second family for him to spend time with and enjoy.

When Imorissette22 made his avatar he wanted to combine his two favorite things which were baseball and family. In the middle of the avatar there is a baseball field/diamond that is colored light blue. It has red X’s in the four corners that represent the bases, the red X’s stand for family. There are 2 yellow stripes, one is above and one is below the diamond. The meaning behind the yellow stripes is foul poles which are on either side of the baseball field. When asked why he incorporated the foul pole he states, “Because it is part of the baseball field” which is honestly fair. I think the design was well thought out and perfect for what he wanted to represent.
What really grabs my attention in Imorissette22’s avatar is the bright colors that he decided to use. He could’ve used any darker colors or just not colored it at all, but he chose yellow, light blue, and red. The yellow lines around the diamond help make the entire avatar look brighter and happier. The light blue is a good color to use in the center because it is bright and refreshing. Finally the red is a good contrast color to use on the blue to make the family aspect of it stand out. The red X’s also grabbed my attention because it was such a smart idea. He could’ve just put little squares to represent the bases but he used X’s instead so that it could have a meaning, whilst making it look more like a baseball field. He informed me he made the X’s red “because a heart is red ” now comparing family to love.
I think it’s obvious that Imorissette22 has strong feelings on baseball and family, so that’s why he made his avatar about them. He wanted to symbolize both baseball and family, therefore for baseball he used the field/diamond and the foul posts. For family he used the X’s. He chose the diamond/ field because he didn’t want to be original and just use a baseball, so he thought of other significant ways to represent baseball. He simply chose the X’s for family because Lwilliams22 used them and Imorissette22 thought they looked cool. Either way there is reasoning behind each, whether it’s meaningful or not. Something that Imorissette and I both did in our avatars was the use of yellow and blue. We also both had a symbol representing an activity we enjoyed doing in our free time. Something that contrasts our avatars is that Imorissette22 left his background white, while I colored mine yellow. He told me there was in fact a reason for keeping the background white, “because a baseball is white”. Also it only took me 2 tries to get my desired design, but Imorissette22 took 6 tries (A for effort).
Avatar By Imorissette22
“Baseballs” by mistycabal is licensed under CC BY 2.0