TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Introducing for a second time KBarnett

My partner kbarnett22’s avatar was a plane flying through the night with a variety of colors surrounding it. We both used a common color but kbarnett22’s used colors that represented a part of her personality. The colors I used had represented what I believed the colors embodied, like with the color blue for me it represented calm and a sense of peace. We both created our avatars while thinking about some things that represent us and in our own individual ways. In my opinion, these colors pop out to you when you first look at the image because they don’t seem to fit the picture at first but it gradually blends together after you realize the meaning behind them. 

The airplane seems to represent kbarnett22’s love for traveling which is something that I can personally relate to. Travel is one of the things that I enjoy and lets me see and experience new things which is why I immediately understood the meaning behind the airplane. Kbarnett22 used her computer to draw her avatar which is the way she seems most comfortable drawing things. She used a stylus pen to draw the picture on her laptop which personally I find quite difficult to do. I drew my avatar the regular way just using colored pencils and drew on paper which is what I feel is comfortable for me.

While we were interviewing each other about our avatars kbarnett22 told me why she chose the plane and this is what she said. “I chose to draw a plane because I really enjoy traveling and it is one of my favorite things to do.”. This shows just one of the elements of her avatar as she still has many more elements that she explains later on. When I asked her about the colors trailing behind the plane she said this. “I chose these colors because they are the colors that are part of the bisexual flag”. This means that the avatar that kbarnett22 had created represented her as a person and was not just a picture she made. 

Kbarnett22’s avatar is in its own right unique because it has quite a bit of thought and effort put into it. As she stated during the interview she stated “I enjoyed drawing my avatar and being able to express myself through it”. I can relate to this because I also enjoyed thinking about the meaning of the colors and symbols and their representation to me. I believe that creating these avatars have made us understand and appreciate ourselves more. The avatar project really made us think about who we are and what we think of ourselves. This project made me realize things about myself that I hadn’t really thought about before I made my avatar. 

“backpack travel berlin” by FastPhive is licensed under CC BY 2.0


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