TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

An Interview with KBarnett22

My partner KBarnett22’s avatar was very detailed with a gold border around the vibrant green background. In the avatars background there are gold stars with a crescent moon. In front there is a plane flying, and it has a purple, blue, and pink rainbow trailing behind it. Some parts of the avatar that grabbed my attention were how vibrant Barnett made the colors, and how KBarnett22 put a plane with the bi rainbow behind it. 

The green background in this avatar stands for money and how it’s Barnett22’s favorite color. Money to KBarnett is something Barrne22 is very proud of because of how hard Barnett works for it. The plane is a symbol for traveling around the world. Barnett love’s traveling around the world. While the stars stand for astrology and how it interests them. KBarnett22 chose to use a gold border to represent truth and honesty. The rainbow behind the plane stood for the bi flag which is an important part of their life.

 KBarnett22’s avatar and my avatar have some things in common. One of the colors that Barnett22 and I both chose was the same, and we had some of the same symbols. We both used green in our avatars but we used different shades. Mine was more dull while KBarnett22’s was more vibrant. We both used a color like yellow. Barnett22 used yellow/gold for truth while I used it for mindfulness. We both used the color green for the same symbol of money in our avatars. We both put money in our avatar for the same reason that it gives us pride.

While talking with Barnett about their avatar I had a few questions for them. One question was why they didn’t use a train as the symbol for traveling. KBarnett22 said “I go on planes more than I go on trains”. When I asked what about astrology interests Barnnet I was told “The stars look cool”. I was wondering why KBarnett22 put money as something in their avatar but KBarnett22 said “I work hard to get it and it gives me pride and a feeling of accomplishment”.

Image by llamnudds is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Avatar by KBarrnet22


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