One of my most patient moments of my lifetime is definitely the year 2020. I worked hard in school my sophomore year 2019-2020. My parents had an agreement that if I stayed caught up with my work in school and found time around sports to get all my driving hours done that I could send out for my license once I turn 16. My birthday is March 26th, 2004.
Now it came 2 weeks before my birthday and my parents agreed we could send out early so I could get my license around my birthday. Now that was the plan. A week before my birthday, COVID-19 hit big and the DMV was overloaded and had to hold people up. I waited for weeks for my date. I got nothing, then one afternoon it came in the mail. My mother had texted me telling me and I was all excited. Now I’m thinking that the date should be in a few weeks. Wrong.
My date wasn’t til July 30th. I was pissed, I was anxious, and I just wanted to be able to drive so I could work all through this pandemic and world crisis. I wanted to work during the summer and save up all my money. Both of my parents worked and wouldn’t be able to give me rides to and from work–that’s why I was anxious about getting my license. I waited and finally got my license. I have now had my license for over a year. As you could see, this is one of the many many times I’ve been patient in my life.
“Clacx-on Cars & Coffee” by vinylmeister is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0