TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Prep Work

When should students start preparing for college? this is the question, I personally am not going to college right out of high school. But for some, the only plan for after high school is college, the best time to start preparing for college as a student is freshmen year of high school.

Why is freshmen year of high school the best time to start preparing for college? Because in middle school no kid knows what they wanna do they just wanna have fun and be a kid. We have to be careful with when we start pushing kids to prepare for college. Because if you start pushing college on kids in middle school or even before that it could have a negative effect. The issue with pushing kids to start preparing for college before there ready is they might end up going to college but they likely will end up dropping out. So after all those years of pushing these kids to prepare for college what was the outcome? The outcome is a young adult drowning in student debt with absolutely nothing to show for it which would be a complete waste of a young life.

If students prepare for college from grade school due to teachers and parents pushing them into the decision, and they don’t by some miracle get burnt out. Will they know what they want to do, or will they be preparing all that time just to decide that they do not want to go to college? We do not know but what we do know is that the student will have missed out on being a kid because they were too busy preparing for a future that they had no reason to worry about.

In today’s society, we are treating children with brains that are still developing, like grown-ass adults and we aren’t thinking of the long-term effect it will have on our children. When I was growing up I got to pick my outfit for the day and what sports I wanted to play. That was more or less it I wasn’t treated like an adult because the simple fact is I wasn’t. If I were to have been pushed into preparing for college from grade school then I probably wouldn’t have made it all the way through school I would have gotten burnt out and dropped out.

When should students start preparing for college? This is the question, I personally am not going to college right out of high school. But for some, the only plan for after high school is college, this essay was about why the best time to start preparing for college as a student is freshmen year of high school. The only thing preparing for college before the kids are ready will do is get them burnt out.

Year 3 students wait patiently in Dashura Primary school in Manikgunj, Bangladesh. AusAID funds a range of core programs including its education work primarily in formal education.

Year 3 students wait patiently in Dashura Primary school in Manikgunj, Bangladesh. AusAID funds a range of core programs including its education work primarily in formal education.” by DFAT photo library is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Children take part in an exercise in groups inside a BRAC primary school in Manikganj. DFAT funds a range of core programs including its education work primarily in formal education.” by DFAT photo library is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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