TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Patience Is Key In life.

Patience, It’s a term I’ve heard a lot in my life. Being told, “Good things come to those who wait”. And at the time, my five-year-old self wanted nothing more to do than to run around and expend all of the energy in my body. I remember fondly having to sit in an office for five minutes of silence when I was too loud and rambunctious, waiting for my lesson on how to say words correctly.

When I was sitting in that red and rock-hard chair, I remember to myself that I have to stay still or else I get in big trouble. For the most part, I was able to stay silent for those five minutes. But on occasion, I would be too energetic and would constantly be bouncing my knee. The room would feel big and empty, with just me, the teacher, and a desk between us, on these days she would get increasingly frustrated and I would be sent out after being scolded harshly.

As I got older I realized just how important being patient was. I had to exercise it in everything that I did, whether I was playing piano, cooking food, or waiting for a video to load. It was in everything I did. And as I look back on how I behaved when I was a kid, I could see I was a problem child. Always energetic, wanting things down that split second I asked for them. An example was whenever we would go out to eat, I would expect the food to be in front of me within the next couple of minutes. Of course, this never happened and I would learn to get patient with food over time. I never really had patience, but I slowly learned it over the years, having learned that If I get mad when I play piano I make more mistakes.

So I would slowly build my patience up over time. Doing this served me really well in the future. I began not to expect things to happen that same instant. I could wait and not feel upset when things didn’t go the way I planned them to go. And playing piano was easier than ever with my Consummate elegance with my fingers dancing across the ivory keys of the grand piano.

CCO licensed photo by Nora Ferreirós from the WordPress Photo Directory.


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