Jmclaughluin24 is an adventurous outgoing girl, she enjoys nature, exploring outside, trees, the ocean, and serene environments. When she’s not in school she enjoys cheerleading and quality time with her family such as going to the beach with her mom and exploring the woods and trees with her grandmother.
In order to come up with the perfect avatar for her Jmclaughluin24 decided to write down a lot of elements and things in her life that really exemplify her, her personality, and the things she likes to do. It took her some time to decide on the elements she actually wanted to use in her final draft of her avatar but I think she made the right choice in the end.

Jmclaughluin24′s avatar consists of a few simple themes, Nature. things like trees, grass rocks. And the ocean. Exemplified by things such as waves, and the color blue. In Jmclaughluin24′s avatar, she cleverly uses the element of art, perspective to show a large tree in the background of the avatar seemingly at a distance, at the bottom of her avatar there is a deep blue sea with seemingly sporadic large waves that crash at the base of the tree that at first glance is seemingly floating in the middle of the water. She uses the color blue to insinuate the “sad and loneliness of the deep dark ocean.” and uses the bright lovely green on the tree to sort of act as an “Oasis of happiness in the otherwise dark cold sea.”
I think Jmclaughluin24 used a very different approach to this assignment than I did. She used broad concepts of things she enjoys and has very specific experiences with and sighted in with more specifics and emotions connected with said elements whereas I used very specific things that I enjoy generally and didn’t have very specific examples. I think this leads to her design being very simple and eye-catching with bright colors and not a perfectly not overwhelming final product.
I think Jmclaughluin24’s avatar perfectly meshes with her personality. “I tried to encapsulate the things I enjoy and use to calm down from all of the stress of life.” I think she did just that and it perfectly demonstrates her ideals and love for serenity.
Avatar by Jmclaughlin24
“nature” by barnyz is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.