TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Representation Through Art

An avatar, it’s a way to represent something, someone, or a group of people. In this case the avatar I’ll be looking at was made by an individual to show their interests. As you can see a touch below the top there’s a line that goes from left to right. This line bisects a rectangle with the top half being white and the bottom black. Below the line is blue, and directly in the middle there’s a wavy line going horizontally with a hook in the middle. When I first saw it, a couple of things about the avatar that grabbed my attention were the hats and the waves. The hats I thought were the sun and its reflection on the water but it being a white hat hacker being above a black hat one makes sense. As for the waves I thought it was water rather than music. 

 Now as you may not understand what I’m talking about with the hat and wave here’s some context to elaborate on this. “What does the water waves symbolize – that was meant to be a base wave – so music”, this and the following quotes are taken from my discussion with its creater. “What does the sun represent – It’s actually a white hat over a black hat to symbolize a white hat hacker being better than a black hat hacker”, my reason for including these is to give light on how depending on interpretation even things that seem simple may in fact not be what you think. “Why did you include a hook – to represent fishing – why a hook – you catch fish with hooks”, or maybe not it all depends.

Anyways here’s a in depth explanation of what the elements that haven’t been through already are, what they represents and why they were picked. White represents being good and it was picked as it’s related to purity/righteousness. And you would’ve never guessed it but the color blue was chosen to represent water because what other color would it be. Anyway black shows bad as it’s a traditionally evil color, the sky symbolizes future possibilities as it is a vast range of area, lastly the layout is order as the avatar looked like a scenry or the way things should be.

Now I myself have also made an avatar and like theirs is also set outdoors. A difference however is that their avatar is split into two distinctive parts, the top which is the hacker part and the bottom which is the hobby/enjoyment. Mine has a solid setting of being outdoors and nothing else in which each piece is together.

self portrait” by Katey Nicosia is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.


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