TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Everyday Mistakes

Recently, government officials have misled citizens with COVID-19. Many government officials tried to do what they thought was good for our country when the pandemic broke out, but instead they caused more chaos and disorganization. Our country told us that this disease was deadly and life threatening, and although they were right it was handled wrong. The government was constantly telling us a new story everyday, and people were constantly shocked .The Government officials would even post updates on death rates from COVID-19 leaving our people petrified.They didn’t cause a pandemic over other deadly diseases we´ve already discovered, but they still chose to create this disaster. Students all over the world, the future leaders of the world were forced to become isolated and learn online. Learning online was awful, and left a mind boggling effect on our students. Students show up to school and some are as smart as a farm animal from doing nothing during online school. Being isolated at home with no teachers forcing you to do work, students weren´t learning or moving forward. Nowadays, you walk into a school and everybody is anti social and less educated. Students aren´t learning because they were stuck at home glued to a computer screen learning online. Some students would even turn on there laptop for online school, and fall asleep in there bed while there teacher explains the lecture. While the teacher was teaching students, students were playing video games, sleeping, and doing every except learn. All in the comfort of there warm, isolated bedroom. Even adults had to work from home, and some adults even lost there jobs leaving them with no income.

Although these times were hard for nearly every single person, the government was trying there hardest even though the entire world was against there protocols. The government made up for this mistake by letting children and students attend school in person, and creating a vaccine. Although COVID-19 isn´t over, our country is improving one handling it. This shows over the past few year we are taking a step forward and we are ready to rebuild what we destroyed. We may have mad mistakes, but we are human. Although COVID-19 was a huge mistake and not a small mistake like forgetting your wallet at home. This proves mistakes are all around us. Everybody makes mistakes, and COVID-19 shows through anguish and fear that mistakes are all around us.

Mistake” by matsuyuki is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


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