TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Times of patience

A time I was patient was when I had to go to the BMV to get my actual permit. Before I went my dad and I did go to Dunkin and got coffees which is something we do a lot when out together. The BMV is one of those places that absolutely nobody wants to go to but you have to. I had to sit and wait until it was my turn and it took almost four hours of waiting but I was not alone thankfully, my dad came with me which helped a little bit with how bored I was.

While waiting my dad and I talked a little bit but most of the time we were both on our phones playing our games which helped the time pass by a little bit faster. My dad and I had a few conversations about how far I’ve come in life so far I told him it feels so good to finally do what I’ve been dreaming of doing.  I have never been a patient person and I’ve often struggled with sitting in one place for so long and not doing anything like standing up or anything is even worse and that’s a big struggle I had while there. But I had to do it for this. I felt relieved when I finally got called because I was going crazy having to just sit for almost four hours. I kept thinking to myself the whole time “How much longer” “I am going crazy” “I want to leave”.  Once my number got called for us to go up and sign everything and get my real permit and when they finally handed me the paper of my permit I felt relieved. After when we finally walked out the doors my dad said I could drive home and I absolutely took him up on that offer and I got to drive home with my real permit.

I never fully understood how annoying it is to go to the Bmv until then and now I understand why people dread going. I used to think it was just a stigma around it but it is indeed exactly how people tell you it will be like, it’s colorless and is the definition of boring. It feels like a never-ending cycle of boringness and blandness and the hours feel so much longer than normal because of it being so boring and I thought I was going to go absolutely crazy being there for that long. I have a hard time with being in boring places and having nothing to do at all and it was a big conflict struggle for me to get through but I did manage to pull through it and thanks for my dad for helping me get through it a little bit with talking to me and helping him with his game he has but there was one point where I did almost tell him I want to go but I knew I could do it.

Being there makes you question if you want to leave and never return but I knew I needed to get my real permit so I sat it out painfully. Once I was out and driving on the way home with the windows down and felt the breeze on my face and finally made it somewhere that i’ve been dreaming about. My lesson from this is that some things in life need patience and everything can take time but some stuff is worth the wait you have to do. Life is full of obstacles and some are worse than others but eventually you will overcome them in time and a lot of stuff you have to be patient with, rushing does nothing good for you. I went in there knowing I would probably lose my mind but I did not and I kept myself busy enough that I pushed through. If I could get through that and everything I had to do to get there then I can get through anything with patience.

DMV” by brownpau is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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