TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Family Roasts

Almost every weekend my mother likes to plan an event, whether that be camping, family night, dinner night, movies, or games and get together. I have two older sisters, one is engaged and one is little bit older than me and we are all very close. Parents are divorced but have a loving and honest step-dad. The problem at the time is that my mom had message one of the group chat that only my one of my sisters, me, my mom, and my step-dad. My oldest sister who had moved out saw what my sister had posted on snap-chat about something funny that my mom and step-dad had said in the group chat. My mother had asked who took her bag of food/snack and didn’t put it back in its place and it was a bag of nuts that my mother loves. My sister fessed up and said it was her and that the bag was empty and she wasn’t going to return the bag because she had eaten all of the nuts. My sister had never been a big fan of nuts. My sister is bisexual and she recently just got out of a relationship with a girl and after she got with a man. In no way was my step father trying to offend her when he said what he did because we are all open to my sister’s choice and want what is best for her. However my step-dad had said “Glad to see you liking nuts again,” I thought that it was the funniest thing because we all knew he was talking about her relationship status and it was so funny that even my sister who got roasted posted it on Snap-chat. My oldest sister who wasn’t in the group chat saw what my younger sister had posted and got jealous and upset because she wasn’t apart of that group chat. She acted petty about not being in the group chat that we were all involved in, whining about why too she was not invited. What I think is also funny she made it so that we had to add her to all the group chats because she wanted to be apart of everything so she wouldn’t be left out.

Another time we had planned a family pool day during the summer. My mother had invited over my oldest sister, my Nana, and my aunt and cousin. My other sister and I already live at the house so we were already there. After dinner had happen we went outside to play games and enjoy the pool. We played a game that we call polish. Where you throw a Frisbee at a bottle on a pole and you have one team mate and your also only allowed to use one hand only, another rule is no trapping the bottle or Frisbee and you have to get to twenty one points to win so knowing that you can only use one had during the game to catch or do anything. While playing the game we looked like idiots and laughing all together and just enjoyed the day. What I’m getting at is that bringing family together and being able to have those laughs in those moments and being able to laugh with loved ones can make moments you wouldn’t even realize could be a moment. Laughter can change everyone, like someone who is having a bad day and all they need is a little light or moment that you can make better with a laugh. Do it. There is no harm in trying to spread love and laughter because at the end of the day everyone just wants to be loved and have a good time and laughter can bring that into people’s lives.

Another happy family” by theilr is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


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