TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Strings on a Guitar

Nlemay25’s avatar is simple but shows passion. At first I was not sure what to think and I could not make anything of it, but after talking to Nlemay25 about it I realized there’s more to it then I realized. What first caught my eye was the circle in the middle of the flag, it was white and plain, and had nothing in it. Behind the circle was a couple of lines, at first I thought that the lines might have represented one of her dogs because they were brown. The background is a blue color which I thought represented the color of the football jerseys, because I know in the past she used to play football.

After talking to Nlemay25 I realized that the big circle she chose to use was a reference to a hockey puck because she plays hockey. I had forgotten she played hockey as she has only been playing for a year. She chose this because “I could not think of anything else” Nlemay25 had also mentioned that “I don’t think [that] I finished it” she chose the lines on the flag because she wanted to symbolize country music, for as long as she can remember it has always been played by her mom “I grew up on it” she said remembering how her mom always played it in the car. Two out of the four things that Nlemay25 chose to be in her flag symbolize country music, I think this is really special because it is a big part of her personality and relates to her family, and connects her to her mom.

The brown on her flag actually represents country concerts as the black likes represent strings on a guitar. When I asked Nlemay25 if she played guitar she said “no” I was shocked and a bit confused as she had said that the lines symbolize the strings, I didn’t know what to think. I then proceeded to ask what do they symbolize then, she said “[they] are just a factor of country music” I was excited to hear this learning that she was so passionate about country music. The second thing that represents country music are the brown lines, which relate to the music genre as well. When she first told me what the brown lines symbolized I figured she had been to quite a bit of concerts, but I was incorrect as the lines were “not really [a factor of] country concerts as much as country music” from Nlemay25s perspective it has been all her mom has ever played in the car. The last thing on Nlemay25s flag is the color blue which I thought was supposed to represent football, I later learned that the blue actually symbolizes the beach. I asked if going to the beach was her favorite summer activity and she said “most of the time” she said that the blue also represents being outside because “I like being outside” which is a great way to spend your summer.

The process of making a flag was tough at times, it was hard to take all the things you love and narrow it down into the things you love the most. Trying to find things that could symbolize those loves Ward frustrating, as there are so many different components and things that could fit into one catorgory. I started my process with a moderately complex design I thought then decided that I wanted it to be simpler, which I guess would make Nlemay25s part harder because she has to take colors and lines and put them into words. After reflecting on my process I asked Nlemay25 about what hers looked like, turns out we are very alike in our ways, “[I] just tried to find something simple” and “[I] started with more detail then ended up with simplicity” me too girl me too.

Overall I think that Nlemay25s avatar is a great way to show her love for her family and country music, for still making time for her other favorite things to do, like go to the beach. Not only does she love country music, it connects her back to her mom and how she used to listen to it growing up, creating strong family bonds and similarity’s to her mom. I also love the fact that Nlemay25 chose blue to represent being outside in the summer, but was able to narrow it down to the beach highlighting her love for the outdoors. In conclusion my favorite part of the whole flag is how, although without mentioning it as one of her symbols, Nlemay25 found a way to bring a very important factor into her flag, which is family, because family is forever.

The R Family – 2” by RebeccaVC1 is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.

Museum of country music – Nashville” by pepsiline is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.


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