TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Wealthy, Healthy, Beach Breeze

Avachon25 created a fairly simple design for his banner, sporting a palm tree with a bright yellow trunk and bushy green leaves at the top. A few orange crabs are gathered together under the tree, and it all sits on a beach background. I was interested in what Avachon25’s flag represented, the message behind it, and any subtle meanings hidden in it.

Going to the beach is a summer activity and Avachon25 claims, “Summer is when you have the most fun” so the beach heavily symbolizes fun, relaxation, and spending time with friends. In fact “friendship” was a term that Avachon25 specifically used as inspiration for his flag. You can see two orange crabs at the base of the tree. I was intrigued to find out that this was a representation of Avachon25’s two closest friends, “Friendship should be valued above all,” is what he told me. I think its great that friendship is high on Avachon25’s priority list, it’s a good quality to have, and shows loyalty.

I asked Avachon25 if there were any specific colors that had any relevance to what his flag represented. He told me it represented money and wealth, because it’s needed in day to day life, and can make life easier. Money is obviously a useful tool because, “sometimes you need to help a friend out because having fun can be expensive,” which is a very thoughtful take on Avachon25’s view money I notice it connects to the friendship aspect of his flag. The color yellow on the tree trunk represents comfort. I asked if because that color is generally associated with happiness, Avachon25 replied with, “it’s a warm kind of just looked good on the tree”, which was good enough for me, after all its his flag.

Avachon25 and I created separate avatars. They look different but we both heavily relied on things that bring us joy and most valuable things in life. I used more specific details like activities and affiliations on my banner when Avachon25 kept things simpler, as to perhaps generalize and relate with others more. Avachon25’s avatar may look like just a fun illustration of a tree on a beach with some crabs, but the thought and meanings behind it carry smart and thoughtful values. It’s great that Avachon25 holds friendship above everything else and can use money the right way because money and loyalty will take you places in life.

Palm tree” by personaltrainertoronto is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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