TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

He Saw a Guitar

How Jdorman25 created his avatar is creative and neat. What first caught my attention was the eagle boldly drawn in the middle of the page with several tools hovering behind it, there is also a large shield placed in front of the eagle. The background is all white with a detailed black eagle in the middle to create a pleasant logo. At first, I thought Jdorman25 drew an eagle for his avatar just because he liked eagles, but I realized it was because he has been interested in becoming an Eagle Scout his entire life, and for that reason, he drew a blue shield in the middle of the eagle. I figured that since I know Jdorman25 well, the guitar and saw behind the eagle were meant to symbolize Jackson’s interest in music and carpentry, and the antlers drawn above the eagle were meant to show his interest in hunting, I know this because I’ve been with him when he was hunting.

I asked Jdorman what he would say when describing eagles, he says eagles are “daunting and fierce.” I thought the same way about them. I also wondered how saws represent him in carpentry and he said, “For work, a saw is an important tool.” I also asked him what draws him to play guitars so much to play them so consistently, and he replied, “Playing the strings to hear the hollow sounds.” And I wasn’t surprised to learn that Jdorman likes to hear the sound of the guitar.

Since I’ve known Jdorman for years, none of the symbols on his avatar surprised me, because I’ve already seen him playing the guitar with impressive skill and been with him when he was hunting before. I’m already aware of his striving achievement to become an Eagle Scout. And knew he made a good amount of money working in carpentry. It was still surprising to see what Jdorman chose for his symbols, but the way all the symbols he chose for his avatar aligned together as a logo of an eagle to represent his values is well-formed when it comes to describing Jdorman.

My favorite part about Jdorman’s avatar has to be the antlers representing hunting. Mainly because of the lots of things he’s taught me while he was hunting or even some of the gear. The way my avatar looks is way different from his, my avatar takes up the whole box while his does not, and his process of designing his avatar changed significantly while mine stayed the same. We both still included elements of nature in our avatars: he chose hunting, and I chose a palm tree. Both of these elements in our avatars show our enjoyment of nature and the outdoors. I was certain hunting would make it on Jdorman’s symbols.

guitars” by victor.lavrentev is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.


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