TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Blinding Lights

Nperrier25 is an interesting fellow. I thought I knew him very well after years of us being friends. But No. there are still some new things that I had learned new about Nperrier25. He has quite a liking for things like the ocean, as shown by the lighthouse in his flag. He also thinks that his dignity is a big deal in his life as shown by the stars. Also land is a big deal to him as shown by the green in his flag, which also represents money, another big deal to him. This stuff is all a new thing to me because I’ve always been close to Nperrier25.

The lighthouse immediately grabbed my attention. As it is most definitely the biggest element of his flag. And when I had asked him why he chose the lighthouse to be his biggest element he told me, “Maine’s biggest feature is the lighthouse.” This came as a surprise to me because always as kids we would talk about how much of nothing there is to do. The stars also immediately grabbed my attention. When asked about why he chose the stars in his flag he answered, “Because the star(s) represent dignity and strength.” This came as a surprise to me because I never thought of the star to be used to represent dignity. But also because he found strength in his symbolism. Which to me is almost empowering. Also according to Nperrier25, money is very important in his life. As said “Because Money is very important in life.” Money means a lot to Nperrier25, which is something we all need to live and enjoy life, but still yet a surprise to me in how passionate he is about money.

Our processes were very similar in making our flags. we had both even chosen the same style background and stars. Of course we had different symbolism for our flags but we had an overall very similar way of making our flags. I had accidentally taken too long the day of making my avatar, but of course Nperrier25 was a little more responsible. All in all our processes of making our avatars were super similar.

Me and Nperrier25 have been friends for awhile now. But even after this activity I feel as though I have grown a deeper friendship with him. Because while I may have been friends with him for awhile. I still learned many new things about his character and what he cares about. I hope this means me and Nperrier25 have an amazing friendship in the future.

Beachy Head Lighthouse (Explored)” by tsbl2000 is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.


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