TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

Circle of life

My partner’s flag was more geared towards nature and his love for hunting. His avatar shows trees with a “sniper scope with a red eye in the center.” There were 8 trees, and a black sniper scope with a red dot in the center. 

The individual elements of Igreenwood’s help show his love for nature and hunting as a whole. He said that “ I really enjoy hunting with friends” and that “the trees that are scattered throughout my avatar are used to resemble my love for nature.” He really enjoys exploring the outside world, and doing new things in nature. The sniper scope in the center resembles his love and interest for hunting. Igreenwood’s really enjoys spending his free days hunting and waiting for a buck to walk into view.  

The main difference that I found between my avatar and Igreenwood’s avatar is the fact that my avatar is built on canva while his is drawn on his avatar packet. Mine is created with images and colors that are taken from finding their number on google. The difference of this is that Igreenwood’s coloring was filled in with the in classroom supplies such as crayons,  colored pencils and markers.

There are many similarities in our avatars, the similarity that sticks out to me the most is how we both have a tree in our avatar but it resembles something different for each of us. For me it resembles my family tree and how much I cherish my family while Igreenwood’s trees resemble nature and his love for the outdoors.

In the end I think that igreenwood@25 does a good job showing what he loves into one square. It really resembles him and what he knows and has come to love over time.

Featured image: “deer hunting day2 (18)” by M&R Glasgow is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.

Avatar by: Igreenwood25


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