TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

GSpier25’s Avatar

Gspier25 likes to hangout with his friends and family. He plays lacrosse and football. He is a teammate of mine on the lacrosse team. He loves music and expresses it because he’s always jamming out. 

When he set out to create his avatar he thought of family in the color of red, friendship in the color blue, and the love for music with a music note. The music note with the heart could be the pulse and love for music. He put it all together and he created a heart connected with a music note. I asked Gspier25,  why did you choose this design?  He said it means the most to him. “What were you thinking when you split the heart into two colors?” He said because I wanted to tie friendship and family in one but not make my design too big so he split the heart in half. What was your process of making your avatar? He said, the process I was thinking about was the things I love and value. 

I thought Gspiers avatar was creative, it did surprise me on the colors he chose  because I thought red and blue where is favorite colors. But the heart is a pulse of love, friendship and family bringing it all together in one with the music note. 

 Gspiers25’s final avatar contains the symbols of love, friendship, family and music. He wanted to tie his avatar into one, so that is the reason he picked the certain colors for friendship and love. He chose the heart because it’s love into the pulse of a skeleton and put the music note next to it because he also loves music.

C scale notation over musical staff” by Horia Varlan is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


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