TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble

DAldrigde’s Avatar

DAldridges25 describes herself as a very kind and peaceful person. She is not very sociable and likes to keep to herself but, that does not mean that she is a insolent person. Rather, she just likes to keep to herself and not disrupt anyone.

She loves summer because of the weather, and her birthday is during the summer. She likes nature, particularly flowers, and especially “bleeding flowers and peony flowers because they are pink.” Speaking of the color pink, her favorite color is pink because “it’s cute and it represents hello kitty.”

DAldridge’s avatar is very put together and clean. The first thing that caught my attention from it was the flowers and pink sky. The horizon line is straight and the sun is symmetrical making it simple and easy to draw. The frame of her avatar represents how much she likes pictures. 

One of the big differences between DAldrige’s process and my process that I noticed was that her symbols were about what she likes in general. My process was finding symbols that represent what I like doing with my free time. For instance, DAldridge used the frame to represent Polaroid and pictures in general, not because she likes to take pictures a lot, but because she likes the way “pictures hold memories.”

Sunset” by This Is A Wake Up Call is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

Avatar by DAldridge25


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